Choir Posture
Choir Facts
Choir Expectations
Honor Choir
The Hagood

It is who you should always be looking at when singing (unless you are looking at your music).

What is the choir director?

The first school wide program that the choir sings for. It takes place in November. 

What is the Veteran's Day Program?


This is how Mrs. Hagood expects you to enter the classroom.

What is quietly? What is calmly? What is self-controlled? What is like human beings?


The times for EP Honor Choir auditions each morning on the week of Sept. 30.

What is 8:00 am to 8:40 am?

He is Mrs. Hagood's favorite Marvel character.

Who is Captain America?


This is a standing position with shoulders down and back, head level, and eyes on the director.

What is 1st position?


The date of our Winter Concert.

What is December 16th?


This is what Mrs. Hagood requires everyone to do when the bell is about to ring.

What is straighten chairs?


What is get bags and line up?


These are the days that Honor Choir will rehearse.

What are Wednesday and Friday mornings?

This is where Mrs. Hagood went to college many many moons ago.

What is the University of North Alabama? or What is UNA?


This is a seated position with feet flat on the floor, back is tall and away from the chair, and head is level with the floor.

What is 2nd position?


The key signature with one sharp. #

What is G major? or What is the key of G?


This is what color our shoes must be for formal concerts.

What is SOLID BLACK? (absolutely solid black)


This is what will happen if you make honor choir, but don't show up for honor choir rehearsals.

What is you will be removed from honor choir? What is you will be kicked out of honor choir?


This is Mrs. Hagood's primary instrument.

What is the Piano?

This is the part of the body that should always be "unlocked" when singing in 1st position.

What are the knees?

The four possible voice types in a choir.
What is Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass?

Roll call time for both major concerts. The time that you have to be in your seat, ready to go.

What is 5:45 pm?

This is the only actual song that you will be asked to sing for honor choir auditions.

What is the National Anthem? What is the Star Spangled Banner?


This is how long Mrs. Hagood has been teaching at EPMS.

What is 11 years?


This seated position is "at rest" or relaxed and is only used when NOT singing.

What is 3rd position?


The letter names of the lines in Treble Clef.

What is E, G, B, D, F?


This is how to earn an A in choir.

What is participate? What is sing? What is do your best? What is always give effort? What is don't miss a performance?


These are the other two groups that will travel to a national competition with the choir in April.

What are Concert Band and Orchestra?

This is the name of any one of Mrs. Hagood's pets.

Who is Hoss?  Who is Jeb? Who is Stoney?

Also acceptable- Who is Maple? Who is Penny?