Capital Markets
New Approaches
Markets Failures & Resource Degradation
Non-Market Valuation Tools
Bocas Markets
In classic economics, two types of capital markets.
What is a free market and a regulated market?
Costs to establishing and enforcing property rights and marketing.
What are transaction costs?
Open-access resources can create this type of market when the only gauge of scarcity is price
What is a thin market?
To assess entrance fees for a newly planned national park, you might use this method.
What is the Travel Cost Method (time and travel cost expenses that people incur to visit a site represent the “price” of access to the site).
Production of the chakara might provide an opportunity to introduce this new approach.
What are sustainable markets?
A subfield of economics that emphasizes the economy as a subsystem of the ecosystem, with a primary focus on preserving natural capital.
What is Ecological Economics?
In an economic sense, this describes the degree to which objects are desired, particularly, as measured by how much others are willing to give up to get them.
What is value?
Two aspects of market imperfections that lead to environmental degradation.
What is a lack of competition and monopolies?
This non-valuation method relies on real estate market data.
What is the Hedonic Method?
Local overfishing is an example of this type of market.
What is thin market?
Products are distributed to purchasers according to each purchaser's preference for each product and within the relative limits of each buyer's purchasing power.
What is economic utility?
A set of collective strategies for determining the value for environmental goods and services (such as a healthier ecosystem) in traditional cost benefit analyses.
What are non-market valuation techniques?
Definition of a negative spillover effect.
What are the actions of one firm/individual impacting another firm/individual that did not consent to the impact through voluntary exchange?
For an environmental mitigation project, this method might be considered.
What is the Shadow Project Method (examines the cost of replacing an environmental good that has been damaged)?
Exploitive development of public lands in Bocas is an example of this type of market failure.
What are a lack of regulatory and enforcement mechanisms?
Three constructs associated with a well functioning market.
What are competitive, goods and services are rival and exclusive, no (or limited) +/- externalities?
A community-oriented and entrepreneurially-driven perspective of alleviating poverty in locally sustainable ways and affords opportunities for large businesses to contribute.
What is a sustainable marketplace?
A term used to describe the world's stocks of natural assets, which include geology, soil, air, water and all living things
What is Natural Capital?
This survey approach to non-market valuation is the mostly widely used when assessing the WTP of target demographic for an environmental benefit.
What is the Contingent Valuation Method?
La Solution in Bocas Town is an example of this type of market mechanism related to tourism.
What is a negative externality.