This was the last prophet of Allah and he was given the sign of the moon splitting in half
Muhammad S
This Companion was the first man to give Adhaan (Call to Prayer)
Bilal ibn Rabaah
She was a strong warrior in Uhud defending Rasul S
How many surahs are in the Quran?
How old is MFC? Hint: we just celebrated an anniversary alhamdullilah!
10 years old
This prophet was able to turn his staff into a huge snake that swallowed the magicians small snakes
Musa A
These 4 men were the first 4 Khulafaa Ar-Rashidoon
AbuBakr, Omar, Uthman, Ali (R)
She was the first martyr in Islam (hint: Makkan period)
Name 3 names given to the Quran
Al-Huda (The Guidance), Al-Dhikr (The Reminder), Al-Furqan (The Criterion-for judging right from wrong), Al-Shifa (The Healing), Al-Mau`idha (The Admonition), Al-Rahmah (The Mercy), Al-Nur (The Light), Al-Haqq (The Truth), and Al-Burhaan (The Clear Argument).
Which salah has no sajdah and ruku
This prophet was a king. He also had the power to talk to jinn and animals
Sulayman A
He was nicknamed AsadulAllah
Hamzah R
These 4 great women are promised Paradise
Khadijah (RA)
Fatimah (RA)
Maryam (RA)
Aasiyah (RA)
How many surahs were revealed in Makkah and how many in Madina?
The number of Surahs revealed in Makkah is 86, while 28 Surahs were revealed in Madinah.
Name the special clothing that Muslims wear during Hajj and Umrah.
These Prophets were Father - Son prophets. (Both father and son were prophets of Allah-name 3 combos; double points if you can name all 5)
Dawud - Sulayman A
Ibrahim - Ismael
Ibrahim - Ishaq
Zakariyah - Yahya
Yaqub - Yusuf
Ishaq - Yaqub
Name the 5 of the sahabah promised paradise. Double jeopardy points if you can name all 10!
1} Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (573-634 C.E)
2} Umar bin Al-Khattab Al-Faruq (584-644 C.E)
3} Uthman bin Affan, Dhun-Nurayn (577-656 C.E)
4} Ali bin Abi Talib (600-661 C.E)
5} Talha bin Ubaidullah (596-656 C.E)
6} Zubair bin Al-Awwam (596-656 C.E)
7} Abdur-Rahman bin Awf (580-652 C.E.)
8} Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (600-675 C.E)
9} Sa’id ibn Zayd (593-673 C.E)
10} Abu Ubaidah Aamir bin Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah (583-638 C.E)
This is the only woman mentioned in the Quran. What Surah number?
Maryam, surah 19
The number of times the word Quran is mentioned in the Quran
70 times
Name 3 MFC core values. Double jeopardy points if you can name all 6!
How many times is Muhammad (S) mentioned in the Quran? Double jeopardy: What other name of Muhammad S is also mentioned in the Quran?
The name ‘Muhammad’ has been mentioned four times in the Qur’an. The particular instances follow::
Aal Imraan 3: 144;
Al-Ahzaab 33: 40;
Muhammad 47: 2; and
Al-Fatah 48: 29
BONUS:: AHMAD was stated once in: Al-Saff 61: 6.
Name the sahabah who is mentioned by name in the Quran. Double jeopardy if you can name which surah and ayah!
Zayd ibn Haarithah Surah 33 (Ahzab): ayah 37
Name the 4 daughters of Rasul S. Which daughter was the only one alive after Rasul S passed away?
Zaynab, Umm Kulthum, Ruqayyah and Fatima. Fatima passed away after Rasul S, the other 3 passed in his lifetime.
How many times is Bismillahirahmanirrahim mentioned in the Quran? Where is it mentioned twice? In which surah is it not mentioned at all?
114 times, mentioned in surah naml twice, not mentioned in tawbah at all.
Gates of Paradise: Name the gate that admits people who fast