Paul tells us to live a life worthy of what?
The calling we have received (Ephesians 4:1).
Who gives grace to each of us?
Christ (Ephesians 4:7).
Paul tells believers to no longer live like whom?
The Gentiles, who live in the futility of their thinking (Ephesians 4:17).
What should we do instead of lying?
Speak truthfully to our neighbor (Ephesians 4:25).
Name two things Paul says we should get rid of.
Bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, malice (Ephesians 4:31).
Name three qualities we should have to keep unity.
Humility, gentleness, patience (Ephesians 4:2).
According to Ephesians 4:11, name two roles Christ gave to the church.
Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers (Ephesians 4:11).
What happens to those who are separated from God?
Their hearts are hardened, and they lose all sensitivity (Ephesians 4:18-19).
What should we not do when we are angry?
Do not sin, and do not let the sun go down while you are still angry (Ephesians 4:26).
Instead of bitterness and anger, how should we treat others?
With kindness, compassion, and forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32).
Paul says we should make every effort to keep the unity of what?
The Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).
What is the purpose of these roles in the church?
To equip God’s people for works of service (Ephesians 4:12).
Instead of living like this, what are we taught to do?
Put off the old self and put on the new self (Ephesians 4:22-24).
Why should we avoid letting anger control us?
So we don’t give the devil a foothold (Ephesians 4:27).
Who is our example of forgiveness?
Christ, who forgave us (Ephesians 4:32).
How many bodies, Spirits, and hopes are there?
One body, one Spirit, one hope (Ephesians 4:4).
When we grow in faith, we will no longer be like what?
Infants tossed by waves and blown around by every wind of teaching (Ephesians 4:14).
What are we made to be like in our new self?
Like God, in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24).
What should come out of our mouths?
Only what is helpful for building others up (Ephesians 4:29).
What does Paul say about stealing?
Stop stealing and work to help others in need (Ephesians 4:28).
What are the “ones” Paul mentions in Ephesians 4:5-6?
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
Instead of being misled, how should we speak to others?
Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
What should we put off and what should we put on?
Put off falsehood and put on truth (Ephesians 4:25).
Who should we not grieve?
The Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4:30).
Why is forgiveness so important?
Because God forgave us in Christ (Ephesians 4:32).