Talk of the Town
Walk like a Christian!
Silly Atheist Paul
Mawriage is what brings us 2gether, 2day
Is it worth it?

Who authored the book of Ephesians and to whom was it written?

What is Paul and Ephesus.


Paul argues many times that you are made by God. Like the silversmiths, what words are used to encourage Christians to act like Christians in this way?

What is "You are made in the image of God"


Paul preaches heavily of being predestined to what in Jesus Christ.

What is adoption


Marriage is permissible between who?

1 man and 1 women
Paul is where while writing this?

In prison, in chains.


Who was the main Temple in Ephesus dedicated to?

Who is Artemis.

Wives are required to do what with their husbands as per Ephesians 5?

What is Obey.


You were dead in trespasses and sin but Christ did what?

Made us alive together with Christ, by grace we have been saved.


The Husband is ____ of the wife, as Christ is the _____ of the church.



For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 

And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead even expose them.

How are we told to expose these things? (5:13)

With light, for everything becomes visible in light.


Ephesus was a hub, one of the largest cities on the continent, why was it so big?

What is, Ephesus was a hub for traders due to its central location.


In Ephesians 4, Paul talks of Unity. "There is one _____ and one _____, just as you were called into one hope of your callings; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all who is overall and through all and in all.

What body and spirit.


God raised us up with him in the Heavenly Places with Christ because of what?

We were formerly under dominion of the prince of the power of air


Husbands must _____________ in order to present his wife as holy and blameless before God.

was his wife with the water of the word.

Fill in the verse: Therefore, laying aside falsehood, _________________________________________

for we are members of one another (or one body.)

Speak truth each one of you with his neighbor.


The Temple Goddess was most known for what religious worship?

What is fertility, children, and life.


What three forms of speech are we tasked with telling one another for encouragement, admonishment, and to instill hope?

What are Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.


Jesus satisfied what of God that we were under?

what is wrath

Husbands are to love their wives as if what?

They were themselves, they are one flesh.


Why do children obey parents, wives submit to husbands, and husbands cherish their wives?

So that it may b well with you, and that you may live long in the land


What profession/guild rose up against Paul while we he was preaching in Ephesus?

Who are the Silversmiths or Guild of Metals


What are the pieces of armor named in Ephesians 6?

What are Girded Loins, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and Sword of the Spirit.


God works on us, being created in Christ Jesus for what purpose?

For Good Works, that we would walk in them.


What chapter of Genesis does Paul argue is the reasoning for the difficult teachings of marriage?

Genesis 2:24


Finish this verse: This mystery is great,

but i am speaking with reference to Christ and the Church