Who wrote Ephesians?
Who was Paul writing to?
people of ephesus/ephesians
What chapter and verses are we teaching?
ephesians 3:1-13
What's the first and last book of the whole Bible?
genisis and revelation
Is Ephesians in the old testament or new testament?
new testament
Are the Jews better than the Gentiles or are they equal?
in God's eyes they are equal
How many books are in the Old Testament?
How many apostles are there?
How many books are in the New Testament?
What are the fruits of the spirit?
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control
Who are the Gentiles?
people who are not jews
When was Ephesians written?
A.D. 60-65
Does Paul want to bring together or separate the church?
bring together
Name three of Jesus' miracles.
water to wine, feeding of the 5,000, dead man, etc.
What did God create on the first day?
Where was Paul when he wrote Ephesians?
in prison/rome
How was Paul made a minister?
by the grace of God / because God called him to
Name someone in the Bible thats name starts with the letter 'a'.
Abraham, Abel, etc.
About how old was Jesus when he was crucified?
in his 30's
Name three people in the bible that their names start with the letter 'J'.
Jesus, John, James, etc.
Where is Ephesus in Europe?
modern-day Turkey
What is the Mystery of the Gospel?
It's how the Jews and Gentiles are made one throgh the body of Christ.
What is the main idea of the passage we are talking about?
to unify the church
How many chapters are in Ephesians?
What was Satan's name when he was an angel?