Literary Elements Potpourri
Etymology Exploration!
(Word Derivation)
What's that Structure?
(Organizational Structures)
Reading Between the Lines
(Making Inferences)
Language in Bloom
(Figurative Language)

As I moved through the dimly lit alleyway, my heart raced with anticipation, unsure of what awaited me at the end. The shadows seemed to whisper secrets, hinting at hidden dangers that lurked in the darkness. With each step I took, a sense of unease crept over me, making me question my decision to venture into this unknown territory.

It's the point of view in which this passage is written.

What is first person?


exasperate [iɡˈzaspəˌrāt] v. to cause irritation or annoyance to; irritate and frustrate (someone) intensely: [First recorded in 1525–35; from Latin exasperātus (past participle of exasperāre “to make rough, provoke”)]

It's the language from which this word was derived.

What is Latin?


Running and cycling are both popular forms of cardiovascular exercise. While running offers a high-impact workout that strengthens bones, cycling provides a low-impact alternative that is gentle on the joints. Additionally, running can be done almost anywhere outdoors, while cycling often requires specialized equipment such as a bike. Ultimately, both activities offer unique benefits to help individuals stay active and healthy.

It's the organizational structure of this paragraph.

a. cause and effect

b. compare and contrast

c. enumeration or listing

d. sequential/chronological

e. process

What is b, compare and contrast?


The once clear blue sky was now shrouded in heavy gray clouds, casting a dim light over the landscape. The air felt heavy with moisture, and a distant rumble of thunder echoed in the distance. The leaves on the trees rustled as a cool breeze swept through. Sensing what was about to happen, I immediately looked for a place take shelter.

It's what is about to happen outside in this passage.

What is it is going to rain?


Billie Eilish & Khalid - "Lovely"

"The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky"

Name the example of figurative language.

What is personification?


The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, casting a warm glow over everything it touched. Laughter echoed through the air, filling the surroundings with a sense of joy and camaraderie. With smiles all around and hearts full of happiness, it felt like the perfect day to make unforgettable memories.

It's the tone of this paragraph.

What is happy?

(also accept: a synonym of happy)


smirk [smurk] 1. verb. to smile in an affected, smug, or offensively familiar way; 2. noun. the facial expression of a person who smirks: [First recorded before 900; Middle English smirken (verb), Old English sme(a)rcian]

It's how old this word is.

What is 1124 years?

2024 - 900 = 1124


Making pickles begins with selecting fresh cucumbers and washing them thoroughly. Next, the cucumbers are placed in a brine solution of water, vinegar, salt, and spices to soak and develop flavor. After several days, the pickles are ready to be enjoyed, whether as a tangy snack or a flavorful addition to a sandwich. 

It's the organizational structure of this paragraph.

a. cause and effect

b. compare and contrast

c. enumeration or listing

d. sequential/chronological

e. generalization

What is d, sequential/chronological?


I found myself blushing as I quickly changed the subject, trying to steer the conversation away from what just happened. Despite my attempts to appear relaxed, I could feel a warm flush creeping up to my cheeks. I busied myself by straightening my collar and avoiding eye contact, hoping no one else noticed my slip-up.

It's the way this person is feeling.

What is embarrassed?


Sia - "Elastic Heart"

"I got thick skin and an elastic heart" - 

Name the example of figurative language.

What is metaphor?


In the bustling city, she walked swiftly through the crowded streets, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Unbeknownst to her, a mysterious figure followed closely behind, observing her every move with a keen interest. Little did she realize, as she contemplated her next move, that this person was also considering his option.

It's the point of view in which this passage was written.

What is third-person omniscient?


tranquil ['traNGkw(ə)l] adj. free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm: [First recorded in 1595–1605; earlier tranquill, from Latin tranquillus “quiet, calm, still”]

It's the Latin word from which this word was derived.

What is tranquillus?


Weather patterns play a vital role in shaping our environment and daily activities. For instance, the occurrence of heavy rain can unexpectedly disrupt transportation systems and lead to unforeseen challenges for residents in flood-prone areas. Similarly, extended periods of sunshine can create opportunities for outdoor activities and positively impact local businesses that cater to recreational needs.

It's the organizational structure of this paragraph.

a. cause and effect

b. compare and contrast

c. enumeration or listing

d. sequential/chronological

e. process

What is a, cause and effect?


The sidewalks shimmered in the sunlight, creating a mirage-like effect that seemed to distort the shapes of buildings in the distance. People walked by with a slight sheen of sweat on their brows, seeking shelter under the shade of trees whenever possible. The ice cream truck made frequent stops, with customers eagerly indulging in frozen treats to cool off.

It's what you can infer about the weather.

What is that it is hot outside?


Janelle Monáe -"Victory"

"I'm like a tank, I'll crush anything in my path"

Name the example of figurative language.

What is simile?


The words poured out, each one laced with a barely contained intensity that simmered just beneath the surface. The clenched jaw and tight fists were subtle hints of the brewing storm within, ready to unleash its fury at any moment. Despite the calm facade, the air crackled with an underlying tension, hinting at a seething rage waiting to erupt.

It's the tone of this paragraph.

What is angry?


pensive ['pensiv] adj. dreamily or wistfully thoughtful; expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness: [First recorded in 1325–75; from French (feminine) pens(er) “to think”]

It's the meaning of the word from which pensive was derived.

What is "to think"?


When applying to college, there are several key steps to keep in mind. First, research different schools to find the best fit for your academic and personal goals. Next, gather all required application materials, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and test scores. Finally, carefully review deadlines and submit your applications ahead of time to ensure a smooth and successful college admissions process.

It's the organizational structure of this paragraph.

a. cause and effect

b. compare and contrast

c. enumeration or listing

d. generalization

e. process

What is c, enumeration or listing?

Sarah and Alex sat on a bench in the park, their conversation punctuated by awkward pauses and forced smiles. Sarah played with the edge of her scarf, refusing to meet Alex's eyes. Alex reached out to touch her hand, but she quickly pulled away, busying herself with her phone. As they said their goodbyes, their hugs felt strained, and the goodbye seemed more final than usual, leaving an unspoken tension in the air.

It's what just happened between Sarah and Alex.

What is they just broke up?


Beyoncé - "Start Over"

"I'm a star, I'm up so high, can't come down, I'll shoot the sky"

Name the example of figurative language.

What is hyperbole?


As you stand at the edge of the cliff, the vast expanse of the ocean stretches out before you, its waves crashing against the rocks below. The salty sea breeze whips through your hair, carrying with it a sense of freedom and adventure. With the sun setting on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you feel a surge of adrenaline as you contemplate the unknown journey ahead.

It's the point of view in which this passage is written.

What is second person?


bizarre [bəˈzär] adj. very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement: [First recorded in 1640–50; from French: “strange, odd,” from Italian bizzarro “quick to anger"; further origin disputed]

It's the meaning of an Italian word from which this word was derived.

What is "quick to anger"?


Traveling in Europe offers a rich tapestry of cultures, histories, and landscapes to explore. From the bustling streets of Paris to the scenic villages of the Swiss Alps, Europe has something for every traveler. Whether you are drawn to the ancient ruins of Rome or the charming canals of Amsterdam, there is no shortage of experiences to be had on a journey through Europe.

It's the organizational structure of this paragraph.

a. cause and effect

b. compare and contrast

c. enumeration or listing

d. sequential/chronological

e. generalization

What is e, generalization?


Surrounded by the gentle lapping of waves against my boat, I spend my days chasing elusive prizes hidden beneath the shimmering surface. With a practiced hand, I reel in the stories of the deep, each catch a tale waiting to be deciphered. The ebb and flow of the tides guide my movements, shaping my days into a dance with the secrets of the sea.

It's what this person is doing.

What is fishing?


Public Enemy - "Fight the Power": 

"Yo, the word is bond, that the system is a beast / Barely breathin', can't even speak"

Name the example of figurative language.

What is metaphor?