Give an example of a First Degree Burn
This Kknot is used yto tie ttwo ropes otogether
Square Knot
A compass points opposite this direction
Who Founded BSA Scouts?
Robert Baden-Powell
3, 4
What is the recommended compression-to-breath ratio for CPR in adults?
This plashing is tied with a Timbero Hitch
Diagonal Lashing
What does white on a map mean?
Open Areas/Clearings/Meadows
How many MORE Merit Badges do you need to get your first Gold Palm?
Guess a number, 1-10
What is Medical Shock
When you do not have enough blood circulating around your body.
Another named for the Bowlines ist the...
Lifesaver's Knot
A map that shows relief and the position of natural and man-made features is a ____________ map
Merit Badges used to be this shape
What is F## equivalent to
Name all of the Hurry Cases
Heart Attack
Severe Bleeding
Poison (Ingested and Inhaled)
Name For KLashings
Square Lashing
Sheer Lashing
Tripod Lashing
Diagonal Lashing
On a compass, how many degrees is Southwest, Exactly
What does it mean when someone says a tree is deciduous?
It loses its leaves every year!
Where do we get 360 degrees from? (circle)
The Earth has ~360 days
Define Heatstroke
Fever above 103°F
Wat is a Comon Wiping and when is it used?
The Common Whipping is a knot tied at the end of a rope to keep the end from unraveling. The benefit of the Common Whipping knot is that it is quite easy to tie and no tools are required. However, the knot is more appropriate for temporary use or on decorative ropes as it is known to slip off the rope easily. It is best used on a natural fiber rope and tied with natural twine, both of which afford the maximum friction for the knot to hold its position at the end of the rope.
Brown lines on a map indicate elevation change. What is every fifth line called?
Index contour lines
Name all points of Safety of Float
Explain how computers store Decimals in terms of binary
(Closest Person gets this)