Religious Rockstars
Yo Mama
The Man, The Myth, The Messiah
Grace on the Go
Fishy Business

This Saint is known for delivering gifts on Christmas Eve dressed as Santa Claus.

Who is Saint Nicholas? 

This prayer is said in honor of Mary and includes the words, "Holy Mary, Mother of God."

What is the Hail Mary?


Jesus turned this liquid into wine at a wedding, marking his first recorded miracle.

What is water?


In the Sacrament of Baptism, you are cleansed of this type of Sin 

What is Original Sin? 


Fish is my last name... and this is my first name 

What is Erin? 


This saint is famous for taming a wolf and is the patron saint of animals.

Who is Saint Francis of Assisi?


This title for Mary is associated with her appearing in visions to various individuals, including the famous apparition in Mexico.

Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe?


C.S Lewis famously wrote about the Divinity of Jesus stating that He is one of these three things. 

What is Liar Lunatic or Lord 


In the Catholic tradition, this term refers to the invisible grace that accompanies the outward signs of the sacraments.

What is sacramental grace?


This is where I went to college to receive my Theology degree and played 3 years of collegiate volleyball... Fire me up Barons

What is Franciscan University of Steubenville?


According to legend, Saint Patrick used this plant to explain the Holy Trinity.

What is the shamrock or three leafed clover? 


Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with this future saint.

Who is John the Baptist?


Jesus raised this man from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days.

Who is Lazarus?


Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion are all three this type of Sacrament 

What is Sacrament of Initiation or Welcoming?


This Yankees player nicknamed "Mr. November" is my all-time favorite athlete.  

Who is Derek Jeter?


This saint, known as the "Apostle of the Apostles," was the first to witness the resurrected Jesus.

Who is Saint Mary Magdalene?


This title, meaning "Mother of God," emphasizes Mary's role in the Incarnation.

What is Theotokos?


Jesus does this action whenever he is preaching to show importance and authority. 

What is sit down? 


This theological concept explains that the Eucharist is both a memorial of Christ's sacrifice and a participation in the one sacrifice of Christ.

What is the Real Presence or Transubstantiation


This is where I went my one and only time outside of the United States 

What is Belize?


This saint is known for promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart and received visions of Jesus revealing His heart.

Who is Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque?


The Catholic Church has not officially approved these Marian apparitions, but it has allowed pilgrimages to this location.

What is Medjugorje?


In this miracle, Jesus raised a young girl from the dead, and he referred to her in Aramaic as "Talitha cumi," which means this.

What is "Little girl, I say to you, arise"?


According to the Catechism, a sacrament is this type of sign started by Christ given to the Church for us to receive grace. 

What is invisible?


I was part of a household (sorority) in college named Carae Domini, which is Latin for this phrase. 

What is Beloved of the Master?