The doctor who placed the referral for the patient to be seen.
What is Referring Provider?
Active request is found under
What is Appointment desk?
This form of preregistering can be done by the patient Via Mychart
What is eCheckin?
The person who has a contract with a Health Insurance Plan.
What is Subscriber?
The person responsible for payment of rendered services. In most cases it is the adult patient receiving the services. If the patient is a child, the responsible party may be the child's parent or legal guardian.
What is Guarantor?
A set of questions regarding patient personal demographic information.
What is REL (Race, Ethnicity, Language)?
Click this after the patient appointment when they need to make a follow up appointment.
What is check out?
Insurance Card, and Photo ID card is scanned under:
What is a Document?
the status of a health plan member who qualifies for coverage and for whom a premium payment has been made
What is RTE (Real Time Eligibility)?
Ensures that the appointments statistics correctly reflect whether a patient was seen for their appointment by converting appointment statuses
What is EOD (End of Day)?
This provider is who the patient sees during their visit.
What is Attending Provider?
Patient that Preregister before their appointment is:
What is eCheck in?
Contains information about the party ultimately responsible for a given set of hospital charges.
What is HAR (Hospital Account Record)?
The information that tells you if the patient insurance is contracted or not contracted.
What is payer grid?
A snapshot of the patient demographics, billing, and insurance information on one page
What is Storyboard?
Personal/Family, Worker Comp, Third Party Liability
What are different types of Guarantors?
A patient comes into the clinic for pain in the shoulder and wants to be seen today.
What is Walk In?
To save time and ensure that the CSR and patient has a great check in process the CSR should:
What is Pre-Register?
A series of required questions to help determine if Medicare is a primary or secondary payer for the patient.
What is MSPQ (Medicare Secondary Payer Questionnaire)?
Used to determine which healthcare coverage provides Primary and Secondary benefits when a person is covered through more than one health insurance plan
What is COB (Coordination of Benefits)?
A person who has contracted to provide and arrange primary medical care for members.
What is PCP (Primary Care Physician)?
When rounding, you should print out:
What is DAR?
Demographics, Additional Patient information, Appointment Information, Encounter Guarantor and Coverages, Payments, Documents, Care Teams, Registration Notes
What are Registration Cards?
With this insurance each member is their own subscriber including minors
What is HAP?
Always present, providing a quick overview and access to the essential elements of the patient's story
What is storyboard?