Fucntion Conjunction
Chart Smart
Medication Madness
This is your Sign
List Lineup
Hover to......
What is To Discover
You can scan a patient before administering medications from what screens
What is The patient list, and/or the MAR
The Report Button in the MAR
What is The list of medications that shows when they are due and when they were last given
We wrentch it to....
What is Keep it
These types of lists are automatically updated when a patient is admitted, discharged, or transferred
What is System lists
This opens a Work List for multiple patients at a time
What is Work List on the main screen- all tasks open for all patients that are on your screen
Linked Orders are
What is Orders that have different routes but are the same medication- so once you give a medication there other two medications will profile" see alternate" Example; Benadryl 25 mg PO or IV for pre-medication of blood transfusions.
This sends a message to pharmacy
What is RX Button
Double Exclaimation Points
What is Required Double RN sign off
Documenting from the work list
What is Doc Flow Sheet Icon or Pencil Icon
Removing a patient from you "My list" this way
What is End Assignment
Filter Options from the Work list
What is my Discipline, All Tasks, Powersheets, and Medications
MAR Note
What is sepcial instructions for other RN's to pass on information to other RN's about a patients specific condition or requests. Example: Please crush potassium tablets and mix with applesauce for administration
When a medication is pulled out of the Suremed, this is sent to EPIC.
What is A message with a due time (time frame to administer the medication is undetermined as of yet- but most likely will be 60 minutes)
Preferred view options from the work list
What is Category, Discipline, Documentation, Priority, Room, Tasks, Time, Unit
The name of the template that we use when creating a new "My list"
What is ++UHC IP Nurse Template
The rescheduled all subsequent doses of a medication
What is Clicking in the header of the MAR and under medication details- must adjust your times
When administering multiple medications at once, this has to be completed before scanning the next medication.
What is All details - routes, place, formula.
Stop time on the MAR icon
What is Pharmacy has not verified it yet
List containing the patients for the unit I logged into
What is My Unit
This is one at the receiving area when a patient leaves the unit for a procedure.
What is Arrived
Dosing requiring mulitple tablets for the correct dose require this.
What is Double Scanning
An Override Pull
What is pulling a medication out of the cabinet without a current order in EPIC
Overdue Tasks are noted by this
What is the Yellow Highlight
List Created by EPIC for my patients
What is My Patient's List