Allah Controls the World
Portraits of Faith
Islam Prevails Over Arabia
What is the linguistic meaning of Al Qadar?
Exact measure/amount

This Surah, only one named after a woman, mentions the story of Zakareeya and Yahya (AS)

What is Surat Maryam?


This is the Arabic word for hypocrites

What is Munafiqeen/Munafiqoon?


True or False - Sunnah refers only to the Sunnah prayers

False, it refers to the speech, actions & approvals of the P SAWS


What is the Islamic perspective on free will in the context of Al Qadar?

Humans have limited free will within the framework of Allah's divine plan.


Which command given to Prophet Muhammad SAWS was NOT given to Prophet Yahya? (Hint - 5th Pillar of Islam)



True or False? The Muslim army wiped out the non-muslims

False, it was a diplomatic victory


These are the 1st & 2nd sources of divine guidance and law for mankind

What is the Quran and the Sunnah?

How does Al Qadar relate to the concept of accountability in Islam?

Al Qadar makes humans accountable for their actions.


What key lesson from Prophet Yahya's life can we apply to our own?

Speak out against injustice; Promote fairness.


Which 2 companions tried to outdo each other in giving more for the sake of Allah?

Abu Bakr and Omar (RAA)


True or False - the books of Hadeeth are a compilation of the biography of the P SAWS

False, they are a collection of his sunnah - actions, statements, approvals, characteristics, etc.


What are some benefits of belief in Al Qadar?

Teaches us acceptance of adversity; Teaches us contentment; Encourages Generosity


What key lesson can we learn from Prophet Zakariya's experience with his barren wife and old age?

The Power of faith & patience


What is a key highlight from learning about the Battle of Tabuk?

Power of Unity and Sacrifice


This "hadeeth" comes directly from Allah, but is NOT part of the Quran and cannot be recited in salah

What is Hadeeth Qudsi?


The study of Al Qadar is broken down into these 4 parts

What is Al Ilm, Al Kitaabah, Mash'eeah & Al Khalq?


What lessons can we learn from the dua of Zakareeya (AS)?

Be sincere when making dua; Be humble when making dua; Be Hopeful when making dua; Have Faith, Trust & Certainty in Allah when making dua


The companions' attitude of giving before the Battle of Tabuk shows us to...?

Prioritize Faith over material ($$) gain


What is the best way to manifest our love for the P SAWS?

By following and practicing his sunnah (ways) to the best of our ability