Types of disease spread
Epidemiology Triangle
Modes of transmission
The chain of infection
Types of carriers

Sudden increase in number of cases of disease within a community, population or region.

What is epidemic?


The cause of infection.

What is a pathogen?


An infectious agent transferred from a reservoir to a susceptible host by direct contact or droplet spread. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is direct transmission?


A pathogen that can cause infection.

What is the infectious agent?


A person or animal that harbors the infectious agent and can transmit it to others. The person themself does not demonstrate signs of disease. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is a carrier?


An epidemic that spread over multiple countries or continents and affects a large number of people.

What is pandemic?


Impacts exposure susceptibility and response.

What is the host?


The transfer of an infectious agent from a reservoir to a host by suspended air particles, vehicles, or vectors. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is indirect transmission?


An individual or living thing that can become sick from an infectious agent.

What is a susceptible host?


An infected individual that can transmit the infectious agent or disease to others. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is a active carrier?


Refers to being confined to or widespread only within a place or population within a geographic region and normally present at low levels.

What is endemic?


Impacts opportunity for exposure.

What is the environment?


Indirect transmission by a vector in which the infectious agent does not undergo physiologic changes inside the vector. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is mechanical transmission?


Manner in which a pathogen or infectious agent enters the host.

What is the portal of entry?


A person contaminated with the infectious agent and can transmit the pathogen to another host, but not infected themselves. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What are passive carriers?


A more-than-expected increase in the number of endemic disease cases in a geographical area.

What is an outbreak?


Length of disease process including incubation length.

What is time?


Transmission of an agent by a living intermediary (ex. mosquito), also indirect transmission. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is vector-borne transmission?


Manner in which a pathogen or infectious agent leaves the host.

What is the portal of exit?


A person or host that can transmit the infectious agent during the incubation period before clinical illness occurs. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is an incubatory carrier?


The level of disease spread of COVID-19.

What is a pandemic?


The infectious agent of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the COVID-19 virus?

The transmission of an agent by an inanimate object, including food borne and waterborne transmission, also indirect. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is vehicle-borne transmission?


Where a pathogen or infectious agent lives and thrives in between transmission.

What is the reservoir?


An individual who has recovered from illness but is capable of transmitting the infectious agent to others. (Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice 3rd Edition, CDC)

What is a convalescent carrier?