St. Patricks Day
LDS Church History

This ancient civilization, known for its pyramids and mummification practices, was located along the Nile River and thrived for over three millennia.

What is Egypt


In 1958, this catchy tune by Chuck Berry became an anthem for rock and roll and has since been covered by countless artists.

What is Johnny B. Goode


This city, not in Ireland, claims to have the oldest recorded St. Patrick's Day parade in the world, dating back to 1737.

What is Boston


This 1997 film directed by James Cameron became the first to gross over $1 billion worldwide, making it one of the highest-grossing films of all time.

What is Titanic


Completed in 1836, this is the first temple built by the LDS Church

What is the Kirtland Temple


In 1876, this Scottish-born inventor was granted a U.S. patent for an improvement in telegraphy, which would later become known as the telephone.

Who is Alexander Graham Bell


This Swedish pop group, formed in Stockholm in 1972, became one of the most universally recognized bands of the 1970s and early 1980s, with hits like 'Dancing Queen' and 'Mamma Mia.

Who is ABBA


This traditional Irish dish, often enjoyed on St. Patrick's Day, is made from mashed potatoes, cabbage or kale, and butter.

What is colcannon


This actor, known for his improvisational skills, voiced the Genie in Disney's 1992 animated film "Aladdin".

Who is Robin Williams


This city was founded by Mormons in 1839 and became a major gathering place for the church until the departure to Utah in 1846.

What is Nauvoo


Completed around 2560 BCE, this ancient structure is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence today.

What is the Great Pyramid of Giza


In 1985, this landmark global event was broadcast live to over 1.5 billion people, featuring performances by some of the biggest names in music, including Queen, Madonna, and U2, to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia.

What is Live Aid


According to legend, St. Patrick used the three leaves of a shamrock to explain this Christian concept to the Irish.

What is the Holy Trinity


This 1975 film directed by Steven Spielberg is widely considered the first summer blockbuster.

What is Jaws


First published in 1832, this periodical served as the first official publication of the LDS Church, containing letters, revelations, and teachings of Joseph Smith.

What is The Evening and Morning Star


This French military and political leader rose to prominence during the French Revolution and crowned himself Emperor of the French in 1804, leading France through a series of military campaigns. 

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte


In 1997, this British pop group released a debut single that quickly became a global anthem for female empowerment and friendship, catapulting them to international fame and becoming synonymous with the term 'Girl Power.' The song's catchy beat helped it top charts in over 30 countries. Name the band OR the song. 

What is Wannabe by The Spice Girls


Despite being associated with Ireland, St. Patrick was actually born in this Roman territory that is now part of this modern-day country.

What is Britain


Lightning McQueen, from the Disney Pixar Cars series, proudly sports this race car number.

What is 95


This fund, established in 1849, assisted more than 30,000 LDS converts in migrating to Utah from Europe in the 19th century.

What is the Perpetual Emigration Fund


This Mesoamerican civilization, known for its hieroglyphic script—the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas—flourished in the region that is now Guatemala and the Yucatan Peninsula before its mysterious decline.

Who are the Maya


In 2007, this legendary artist delivered a mesmerizing Super Bowl XLI halftime performance in Miami, famously playing in the pouring rain. His show is often cited as one of the greatest halftime performances in Super Bowl history. Name this iconic musician, known for his guitar skills and eclectic fusion of rock, funk, pop, and R&B.

Who is Prince


St. Patrick is believed to have died on March 17th in this year, which is why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day on this date (+/- 100 years)

What is 461 AD


This character is known as the "Pumpkin King" of Halloween Town in Tim Burton's 1993 stop-motion film.

Who is Jack Skellington


This 1838 conflict between Mormon settlers and residents of this state led to the extermination order by Governor Lilburn Boggs.

What is Missouri