Organic chemistry professor at uOttawa and leader in Chemistry Education research
Alison Flynn
I can't sleep no more
In my head, we belong
And I can't be without you
...Why can't I find no one like you?
These cards can show you the truth and the future
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
My favorite things <3 : Two-day shipping and terrible worker conditions
Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
The first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person to win two Nobel Prizes, the only woman to win in two fields, and the only person to win in multiple sciences.
Marie Curie
Maman dit que lorsqu'on cherche bien,
...finit toujours par trouver
Defensive structure that can shoot you down
12 walk in, only 1 will survive
Suzanne Collins
When your car drives itself, who needs pronouns?
Elon Musk (Tesla)
English Primatologist and anthropologist with 60 years of groundbreaking work under her belt.
Jane Goodall
She lives in daydreams with me
She's ...
...the first one that I see
To shift at an angle, leaning
The Alchemist
Paul Coello
Business icon, bringing you tunes and looks in 50 different shades
Rihanna (Fenty)
astronaut, engineer, scientist, and current governor general of Canada
Julie Payette
I try to keep from losin' the rest of me
I worry...
...that I wasted the best of me on you, baby
Skill, ability to perform well in something
Wrote a worst love story than many memes to follow
Stephanie Meyers (Twilight)
"the world's youngest self-made billionaire". Big fan of the gofundme app <3
Kylie Jenner
(NOT STEM SPECIFIC) TEDx Speaker, Spoken Word artist, and advocate for social justice in education in the Ottawa area. Popular figure on Instagram and Twitter.
@mayaspoken (Maya Basudde)
I look and stare so deep in your eyes
I ...
...touch on you more and more every time
When you leave, I'm begging you not to go
Call your name two, three times in a row
Stretched or pulled tight
The Weary Blues, Let America Be America Again, Not Without Laughter
Langston Hughes
Launcher of the Giving Pledge, pledged to give 50 million$ to fight ebola and 300 million$ for covid
Bill Gates