being fair to all
What is Equity?
Teacher has regular office hours on the 3rd floor of a building with no elevator.
What is equality- Equal access but barrier to students with disabilities.
Firing someone because of their age is legal
What is false?
Treating all the same
What is equality?
Women getting paid as much as men
What is equality?- Women are given the same amount as men while doing the same job
equity = equality
Humans create constructs in order to make sense of the objective world.
What is social constructs
Those with learning disabilities given more time to write a test
what is equity?- because they need the extra time to have an equal chance as with those without learning disabilities.
Not having a wheelchair ramp at a public ramp is Equally
what is false?
humans create constructs in order to make sense of the objective world.
What is social construction
A community decides to open a library in a low-income neighbourhood.
What is equity?
equality = the quality of being fair or impartial and just.
This title of this course is
Introduction to Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice
A local hockey camp for children is held in the summertime to teach skills before the hockey season begins. In the past, only boys have attended the camp, but organizers are taking steps to encourage girls to attend because they realize that more girls are becoming involved in hockey.
What is equality & equity?
equality = making sure individuals or groups of people are given the same resources or rights to opportunities