How many eyelids do horses have?
How do you treat eyelid lacerations?
Equine Recurrent Uveitis is also called ______
Injury to the eye
Herpesvirus infection
Which breed is more likely to develop Equine Reccurent Uveitis (moonblindness)?
What is the colored part of the eye called?
How would you treat a bacterial eye infection?
Eye drops
What is the most common cancer is horses?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What causes conjunctivitis?
Uveitis, allergies, etc.
What can you use to flush out equine eyes?
Simple Saline Solution
What is the clear part of the eye called?
How would you treat cataracts?
Remove them surgically
What are the sores formed on the cornea called?
Corneal Ulcers
What causes cataracts?
Occur on their own
Consequence of chronic uveitis
Name some environmental factors that can affect horses eyes?
Dust, Pollen, Dirt and Flies
Which part of the eye has no blood supply or nerves
The lens
How can you prevent eye problems?
Using fly masks
What are the types of eye infections?
Bacterial, fungal, viral
Foreign objects (fences, gates, farm implements, or building materials
Where (specifically) do you apply eye ointment?
Bottom eyelid
What does the "fundus" include?
The retina and optic disc
Which eye problem are they currently developing a treatment for?
Equine Recurrent Uveitis
This eye problem occurs when the upper and lower eyelids are inflamed
Equine Reccurent Uveitis
What does a direct light exam allow the vet to see?
tear ducts, eyelids, cornea, iris, pupil and lens
all parts in the front of the eye