Term used to describe a tax on imported good.
What is a protective tariff?
This Speaker of the House and frequent presidential nominee wrote the Missouri Compromise and American System.
Who was Henry Clay?
Term meaning: pride in nation
What is nationalism?
This state threatened secession over federal tariff laws during the Jackson administration.
What is South Carolina?
Dubbed his accidency, he ascended to the Presidency following the death of William Henry Harrison despite the Constitution being unclear on the matter (at that time).
Who was John Tyler?
What is the Convention of 1818?
This southern sectional leader called for the expansion of slavery into the western territories and the "states' rights doctrine".
Who was John C. Calhoun?
Term meaning: Loyalty to region over nation
What is sectionalism?
Despite being declared unconstitutional, the Indian Removal Act forced Cherokee Indians to relocate to the Oklahoma Territory in a journey known as this.
What is the "Trail of Tears"?
Henry Clay wrote this package of bills that called for the construction of internal improvements using protective tariff money.
What is the American System?
What is the Rush-Bagot Treaty?
Tippecanoe and _______________ too.
Who was John Tyler?
Term used to describe: The belief that states should have the ability to nullify or cancel federal laws.
What is the states' rights doctrine?
What is the spoils system?
This foreign policy achievement threatened European nations that wanted to colonize the Western Hemisphere.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
This led to the U.S. purchase of Florida for 5-million dollars.
What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?
He was blamed for ruining the economy in 1837.
Who was Martin Van Buren?
Term used to describe: The Monroe Presidency from 1816 to 1824.
What is the "Era of Good Feelings"?
Who was Martin Van Buren?
Henry Clay wrote this agreement to avoid a Civil War, making Missouri a slave state, Maine a free state, and drawing the 36'30 line.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
Southerners referred to John Quincy Adams' high protective tariff as this.
What is the Tariff of Abominations?
This chairman of the U.S. Bank became an enemy of Andrew Jackson before the 1832 election. Jackson often referred to him as a czar.
Who was Nicholas Biddle?
Term used to describe: The 1824 Election
What is the Corrupt Bargain?
What is a hydra?
This law warned South Carolinians to pay their tariffs, or face the U.S. military.
What is the "Force Bill"?