An egg-shaped wind instrument dating back to ancient times appears in the title of what 1998 installment in the "Legend of Zelda" franchise?
Ocarina of Time
Which planet is named after the Roman god of war?
Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
What continent is the only one to span all four hemispheres?
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2023 was the year of which animal?
In what game was Luigi first available as a primary character?
Super Mario Bros. 2
Which is the brightest comet in the solar system?
Halley's comet
Which country did Germany invade to kickstart World War II?
How many US states begin with the letter 'M'? (each one named = +20 points)
8 (Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri and Montana)
Which country won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2023?
The word Tetris is a combination of the greek word Tetra (meaning four) and what sport that was a favorite of game creator Alexy Pajitnov?
Who was the first man in space?
Yuri Gagarin
Who is known as the ‘Father of Medicine’?
What is the name of the microstate located between Spain and France?
In early February, tensions between the US and China increased significantly after what was spotted in the skies above Montana and South Carolina?
Smoke on the Water is a fictional medical-marijuana shop in what game?
Which is the largest moon in the solar system?
Who is credited with inventing the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
What is the flattest country on Earth?
The Maldives
What is the most-watched Netflix Original show in 2023? (Hint it came out in 2022)
In the game Halo, what is the name of Master Chief's AI sidekick?
What is the name of the theory that the universe appears the same wherever and whenever viewed?
Steady-state theory
What was the capital city of the Incan Empire?
What is the most current active volcano in Hawaii?
What was the most-streamed song of 2023?
Flowers by Miley Cyrus