Post Hosp. f/u
ER visits

How often should the "unverified hospitalization" link on the home screen be monitored/reviewed?

What is Daily


If a member discharges to a NH or with hospice, is a PDT needed?

No. Follow up for these members are different-


How long does the RN have to send the Post hospital discharge letter to the members physician?

What is 10 days from discharge


How many days does the RN have to complete a post ER f/u PC using the corresponding template?

What is 3 business days.


True or False:

An immediate/urgent email and CI need to be sent to BPT when a member is admitted to an inpatient psychiatric facility?

True- Please update a LS of the admission so an immediate email can be sent to BPT. Don't forget to complete a high priority CI as well.


When should the hospitalization admission screen be entered?

What is as soon as the RN is aware of an ER visit or hospital admission.


How many days does the RN have to open the PDT after discharge?

What is 3 calendar days.


When the RN enters the members f/u apt in the PDT, what actions need to happen?

What is the RN needs call and follow up after that scheduled appt. 

*While doing the PDT, put a reminder on your outlook, make a running list of items to follow up on, use post it notes (whatever you need to track) to follow up on that appt.

When completing a post ER f/u call, your member tells you they will schedule a f/u appt with their physician. What needs to be completed by the RN if this happens?

What is follow up a few days later to ensure that the member made a f/u appt. If not, offer to make the apt for them.


Your member had a fall. What does the RN need to do to complete the appropriate f/u?

What is call and speak with the member/LG/APOA or caregiver to complete the post fall f/u template. Discuss with your CM who will be entering the CI.


How often should contact be made with the hospital during a hospital admission?

What is every other day.


How many days does the RN have to complete the PDT once it is open?

What is 30 days, then it will be locked and considered incomplete if it is not filled out and changed from "pending" to "complete".


Who should complete the follow up after the member visits their physician?

The RN is ultimately responsible for making sure the appts is followed up on.


What should the RN do if a member does not answer when attempting to complete the post ER f/u template?

What is call again. The RN can also call the caregiver/LG, APOA if no success with PCs. If still no success, the RN should consider a HV to ensure safety.

When does the post fall f/u PC and the CI need to be completed?

What is one business day for the PC and 48 hours for the CI.


After how many days of an admission does the RN need to update the LS and the CM of the extended hospitalization? How often does this update need to happen?

What is day 6 of hospitalization and after. 

What is daily.


What should the RN do if a member is re-admitted to the hospital before the RN opens with PDT within those 3 calendar days?

What is open a PDT and put a note in it noting that the member was readmitted before RN was able to complete the PDT. Leave it in pending status.


How many days does the RN have to complete the Post-Discharge Nursing Home Follow-up Call template?

What is 3 business days.


What template is used when doing a post ER f/u?

What is the "Post-Emergency Room Visit Follow-up Call" template


What action should the IDT take if they find out their member was arrested?

What is Immediately enter a CI with as many details as possible and update the LS as an urgent email needs to be sent to BPT.


What is the RNs goal when assisting with discharge planning?

What is to ensure a safe discharge and to coordinate appropriate services.

If a member is discharged to a NH or with hospice, what documentation is needed?

Hospice: A follow up call is all that is needed to ensure coordination of cares. 

NH: RN will complete a PC with member or staff at NH using the corresponding template. The RN is then required to complete a Face to face and enter a focused assessment.


What documentation does the RN need to compelte if a member is discharged home from the hospital.

What is the PDT


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Who else, besides your supervisor should be involved in the members hospitalization during a psychiatric admission or a complex case (ie: issues with placement postponing discharge) ?

Who is the hospital liaison and/or the External Behavioral Health Specialist. Both can be accessed and notified on he hospital admission screen.