June 1st
What is the wedding date?
What is the place where they met?
What is the name of Joe & Erica's dog?
What is the year Erica was born
Wall High School
What is where Joe went to high school?
January 5th
What is Erica's birthday?
Jersey Shore Medical Center
What is the place where Eva was born?
What is Joe & Erica's nightly after dinner ritual?
What is Erica's favorite band?
Boneless wings & bacon cheese burgers
What are Joe's favorite foods?
April 23rd
What is Joe's birthday?
Shark River Yaht Club
What is the location of Erica and Joe's wedding?
Building a gift for Eva
What is how Joe won Erica's heart?
What is the sport that Erica played growing up?
What is Joe's middle name?
October 6th
What is the day they got engaged?
Brick, NJ
What is the place where they first lived together?
White board calendar
What is the first gift Joe ever got Erica?
April 5th
What is the day Eva was born?
What is Joe's profession
January 3rd
What is the day they started dating?
2903 Sunset Ave Ocean NJ
What is the location of Erica's bridal shower?
Chicken Piccata
What is the first dish Joe ever made for Erica?
What is Erica's middle name?
What is Joe's passion/hobby?