Stages 1-4
Stages 5-8
Erikson's Theory
Erikson's first psychological stage experienced in the first year of life; sets the stage for lifelong expectations of how life will be in the world.
What is trust versus mistrust?
Erikson's seventh developmental stage, which occurs during middle adulthood and involves a desire to help the younger generation to develop.
What is generativity versus stagnation?
Word Erikson uses to describe developmental stages, meant to contrast Freud's "psychosexual"stages.
What is psychosocial?

Right and wrong is determined by rewards or punishment in this stage.

What is "pre-conventional" morality?

Erikson's second stage which occurs in late infancy and toddlerhood.
What is autonomy versus shame/doubt?
Erikson's eighth developmental stage, experienced in late adulthood, during which the individual reflects on his or her life and makes judgements about it.
What is integrity versus despair?
Theorist who claimed that our basic personality is shaped during the first five years of life, while Erikson emphasized the importance of development across the lifespan.
What is Freud?

A husband has to choose to break the law to save his wife.

What is the Heinz dilemma?

Erikson's fourth developmental stage, which occurs during the elementary school years. Children direct their energy toward mastering knowledge and feel unproductive when they fail.
What is industry versus inferiority?
Erikson's sixth developmental stage, experienced during adulthood, involves the task of forming intimate relationships.
What is intimacy versus isolation?
According to Erikson, the primary motivation for human behavior which reflects a desire to affiliate with others.
What is social interaction?

This level of Kohlberg's theory states an individual makes choices based on their own personal beliefs, even if those beliefs are not in accordance with laws or social convention 

What is "post-conventional" morality?

Erikson's third stage, occurring during preschool years. Children begin to feel responsibility and anxiety regarding their behavior.
What is initiative versus guilt?
The fifth developmental stage, during the adolescent years, when individuals try to find out who they are and where they are going in life.
What is identity versus identity confusion?
According to Erikson, this is a turning point in development marked by increased vulnerability and enhanced potential. This must be resolved for healthy development to occur.
What is a crisis?


Name of the moral problem seen on the screen.

The word that Erikson uses to describe a toddler's newfound sense of independence during the second stage of development.
What is autonomy?
Adolescents seek to achieve and form this in a positive way by exploring roles and finding a path to follow in life.
What is identity?
Erikson studied this earlier theorist, but disagreed with him on dimensions of human development in psychological stages.
What is Freud?

The middle level of moral reasoning prioritizing the approval of others and maintaining social order, essentially judging right and wrong based on what society considers acceptable behavior

What is "conventional" morality?