Stages of Development
Key Concepts
Positive Outcomes
Psychosocial Conflicts
Famous Theories and People

In this stage, infants develop trust or mistrust based on how caregivers meet their needs.

What is "Trust vs. Mistrust"?


This term refers to the emotional outcome of successfully resolving a conflict at each stage.

What is "Psychosocial Strength"?


Successfully resolving "Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt" leads to the ability to develop this trait.

What is "Self-confidence"?


In this stage, children either learn to take initiative or feel guilty about their actions.

What is "Initiative vs. Guilt"?


Erikson is known for expanding on the theories of this psychoanalyst, who emphasized childhood experiences in shaping personality.

Who is "Sigmund Freud"?


This stage focuses on toddlers learning to assert their independence, such as saying "no."

What is "Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt"?


Erikson's theory is based on the idea that people progress through these types of stages over their lifetime.

What are "Psychosocial Stages"?


The positive outcome of the "Intimacy vs. Isolation" stage is the ability to form this type of bond.

What is "Intimate relationships"?


In this stage, adolescents struggle with finding their true identity, leading to potential role confusion.

What is "Identity vs. Role Confusion"?


This influential psychological theory is central to Erikson’s understanding of development.

What is "Psychoanalytic Theory"?


During this stage, children develop their abilities in school, either feeling industrious or inferior.

What is "Industry vs. Inferiority"?


This term refers to the central challenge or conflict faced in each stage of Erikson's theory.

What is "Psychosocial Conflict"?


Successfully resolving "Industry vs. Inferiority" leads to this feeling of competence.

 What is "Industry"?


This stage involves young adults facing the challenge of forming close, committed relationships or feeling isolated.

What is "Intimacy vs. Isolation"?


300: This book, written by Erikson, explores the stages of human development.
Answer: What is "Childhood and Society"?

 What is "Childhood and Society"?


Adolescents explore their identity and experience confusion about their role in life in this stage.

What is "Identity vs. Role Confusion"?


The successful resolution of each conflict in Erikson’s stages leads to the development of these.

What are "Virtues"?


Successfully navigating the "Generativity vs. Stagnation" stage results in the desire to contribute to society through this.

What is "Generativity"?


In middle adulthood, people may feel either productive and contributing to society or stuck in a rut.

What is "Generativity vs. Stagnation"?


400: Erikson introduced this concept, which suggests that development occurs in predetermined, sequential stages.
Answer: What is "Stage Theory"?

What is "Stage Theory"?


This final stage involves reflecting on one's life and either feeling a sense of fulfillment or regret.

What is "Integrity vs. Despair"?


This term describes the overarching belief that development is influenced by both internal and external factors.
Answer: What is "Epigenetic Principle"?

What is "Epigenetic Principle"?


The outcome of "Trust vs. Mistrust" is the foundation for developing this emotional quality in future relationships.

 What is "Trust"?


In this stage, individuals look back on their life and either feel a sense of satisfaction or regret.

Answer: What is "Integrity vs. Despair"?


Erikson’s work built on Freud's stages but added this important element to his theory of development.
Answer: What is "Psychosocial Development"?

 What is "Psychosocial Development"?