What are the 4 R's of the Pioneer Way?
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Resilient
Be Ready
What is the appropriate way to ask for something in class?
Raise hand, "Can I...", etc
If you have a pass to the bathroom and you go to the bathroom and see that there are more than 4 people in the bathroom, what should you do?
Wait outside the bathroom or go back to class and let your teacher know.
If an adult in the building asks you to go to your seat, what is the respectful way to respond?
Go to your seat
If you need to use the bathroom, what is the procedure for your classes?
Raise hand, make Smartpass, wait until bathroom break, etc.
If someone comes up to you and says your friend is saying things behind your back, what should you do?
If someone just got a really bad haircut, what is the best way to act around them?
Don't mention anything about the haircut
Or offer a nice compliment or gesture
If you teacher tells you to wait to use the bathroom, what should your response be?
"ok", wait until your teacher tells you you can, explain if it's an emergency in a respectful way, etc
During lunch, where should you sit?
With your class
To be responsible and ready, what are 2 things you should you bring to class?
charged chromebook, pencil, paper, etc
If you teacher isn't feeling well or has had to deal with a frustration situation, how should you respond if they redirect you or tell you to sit down?
Do what the teacher has asked.
Don't be the reason the day gets more frustrating.
Where should your phone be during school hours?
What are the expectations of the mornings before the bell rings?
Go straight to cafeteria, grab breakfast, head to advisory class.
If a substitute is subbing for one of your teachers and they ask you to start your assignment, what is your next action?
Start your assignment, sharpen your pencil, etc.
How many minutes do you have to get from one class to another after the bell rings?
4 minutes