Think like a Historian
Know your Sources
Geography -
The place to be
You should know...
Know your Teacher: Run D.M.C


These can be single or mulitilayered.  A chronological arrangement of events in the order they happened and marked with a series of dates and events.

What is a timeline?


An unfair preference or dislike for something. Watch out for it when reading sources.

What is bias? 


An imaginary line drawn around the earth, equally distant from both poles and dividing the earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

What is the equator?  (This line of latitude is the middle, cuts the earth in half)


The time period before humans invented writing, which began about 5,200 years ago.

What is Prehistory / Prehistoric times?


The names of the 6th Grade World History Teachers that make up ERMS *Run*D.M.C

Who are Douglas * Massengill * Collado?


This is an object made by a human being, typically of historical or cultural interest.

What is an artifact?


This type of source includes photographs of an event, artifacts, diary or letters and was created when an event happened.

What is primary source?


A nation with it's own government, occupying a particular territory.  Boundaries are shown on a political map. 

What is a country? 


The scientific study of ancient cultures through the examination of artifacts, fossils and other evidence.

What is Archeology?


The number of dogs your teacher go homes to each night.

What is __________?

Douglas - 1

Massengill - 3

Collado -1


This is a person who studies events from the past.

What is a Historian?


This type of source includes reports, interviews, documentaries, textbooks and was created after an event using evidence and other sources.

What is a secondary source?


Found on a map or globe and measured in degrees North or South, the angular distance of a place north or south of the equator.

What is Line of Latitude? 


A set of beliefs, behaviors and traits shared by a group of people.

What is culture?


This is your teachers favorite color.

What is __________?

Douglas - Purple

Massengill - Blue

Collado - Pink


The study of humankind in all aspects, especially development, society and culture.

What is Anthropology? 


3 examples of ways people, places, ideas change over time.

* any answer that supports what we learned in class including

- People move from place to place and change population (example: new settlements, migration)

- Environments change with human interaction (ex: farming changes the land, building, using waterways)

- New information changes ideas, opinions, beliefs (ex: Europeans traveling to Asia brought back new ideas, spices, materials)

- People move and introduce new things and ways of doing things (ex: Farming techniques, introduce religions, change how things are done.)


Measured in degrees East and West.  The angular distance of a place east or west of the Prime Meridian.

What is lines of Longitude?


Half of the earth, divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, or into western and eastern halves by an imaginary line passing through the poles.

What is hemisphere?


The state your teacher went to college in.

What is  _____________?

Douglas - Florida

Massengill - Utah

Collado - Georgia


Historians ask these types of questions when compiling evidence and making inferences.  (List 2 questions Historians ask)

When did something happen? * What happened?

*Who was involved *Why did it happen? 

How did things change? * What would have happened if...  * What was the cause and effects?

*** Any 2 for correct answer **


This is not an opinion, it is backed by evidence and can be proven. 

What is a fact?


The Prime Meridian "unzips" a globe to lay flat into a map and create the global grid used in maps.  This is why all Longitude lines pass through these two points.

What is the north pole and south pole?


The labels on the left side of a timeline.  Dates count back in time.

What is B.C (Before Christ) / B.C.E (Before Common Era)? 


Your teachers favorite class at ERMS. 

What is 6th Grade World History?