This date marks the beginning of eligibility for Head Start in Texas.
What is September 1st?
These are the people responsible for recruitment
Who is everybody?
Essential task of CM/OMs when Recruitment Staff Complete an application and/or enrollment.
What is Quality Assurance?
What is phone, email, and/or text message?
This is the attendance percentage goal for our program.
What is 92%
What is the age range of Home Based, Early Head Start and Head Start Preschool Programs?
What is Zero to Five?
What is Pregnant?
Time period that we recruit.
Year Round - Ongoing
These three forms of aid are considered public assistance.
What is SSI, TANF and SNAP?
The number of days a vacancy must be filled.
What is 30 calendar days?
This is the number of days staff have to reach out to absent families.
What is 0 days?
These are the basic requirements to be eligible for Early Head Start/Head Start Preschool.
What is Age and Income?
These forms are used when recruiting.
What is Recruitment Plan and Recruitment Partnership Agreement?
These documents are needed for families to receive the Identified Disability points.
What is IEP or IFSP?
The day a child is considered to be fully enrolled.
What is first day of attendance or first day of service?
These days absent are considered chronic absences.
What is 3 consecutive absences and/or unexcused absences?
The maximum number of days a staff member has to QA and enter an application into GoEngange?
When is 3 days?
The recruitment plan is submitted and stored at this location.
What is the share drive ERSEA/24-25/Recruitment Upload folder?
These new criteria will give additional points to the child's application.
What are Active Military/Veteran and Employment/School categories?
These Head Start returners require income re-verification.
What is third year returnees?
These are the tasks in GoEngage to monitor attendance.
What is Daily Attendance &Meals, Absenteeism Alerts by Classroom/Caseload, Monthly Attendance & Meals, POP?
According to HSPS 1305.2, this is the definition of a family.
Who is someone who lives in the household and is financially supported by the child's parent/guardian and
are related by blood, marriage, or adoption
or are the child's authorized caregiver?
This is how you calculate the minimum length of your waitlist.
What is 2 times # of vacancies?
This staff withdraws the application if the parent denies the selection.
What is ERSEA team?
On this day, children must be current in their immunizations.
What is the first day of attendance?
These are the times a child is considered tardy or picked up early.
What is 30 minutes after start time and 30 minutes before end time?