Absolute Age
Relative Age

Ordering objects or events compared to other objects or events.

Relative Dating


The types of rocks that are best to use to find absolute age.

What is igneous rock?


The law that states the youngest rock layer is on the top and the oldest rock layer is on the bottom of an undisturbed rock sequence.

What is the law of superposition?


Fossils provide evidence of this about Earth's history.

What is life forms have changed over time?


The theory that changes on Earth occur suddenly over large areas and are short-lived, violent events.

What is catastrophism?


Determining the actual age of an object in years.

Absolute Dating


The method of finding the absolute age of a sample by determining the percentages of a radioactive parent isotope and stable daughter isotope.

What is radiometric dating?


The law that states a fault or body of rock, such as an intrusion, must be younger than any feature or layer of rock that the fault or rock body cuts through.

What is the law of crosscutting relationships.


Define fossils.

Fossils are the traces or remains of organisms that lived long ago.


The age of Earth.

What is 4.6 billion years?


A break in the geologic record when rock layers are eroded or when sediment is not deposited for a long period of time.

What is an unconformity?


The two pieces of information needed to determine the absolute age of a fossil or rock.

What is: half-life and the amount of radioactive material?


The two methods used to determine the relative age of rocks in a cross-section.

What is the law of superposition and the law of crosscutting relationships.


What two details can fossils tell us about Earth's past?

What is how the environment has changed over time and how life forms have changed over time.


Geologists description of geologic change as the same geologic processes that shape Earth today have happened throughout Earth’s history.

What is uniformitarianism?


A long cylinder of ice collected from an ice cap that gives the history of Earth’s climate over time.

What is an ice core?


The type of rock that scientists used to determine the absolute age of Earth.

What is a meteorite.

Order of the rock layers from OLDEST to YOUNGEST.

Oldest: C, G, A, P, W, N


The dating method used to determine the absolute age of fossils.

What is radiometric dating?


This divides Earth’s history into intervals of time defined by major events or changes on Earth.

What is the geologic time scale?


Magma (melted rock) which cools and becomes solid under the Earth's surface; cuts through rock layers.

What is an intrusion?


Calculate: A crystal contains a radioactive isotope that has a half-life of 5,000 years. You analyze a sample and find that one-sixteenth (6.25%) of the parent isotope remains. How old is the sample?

What is 20,000 years old?


The four ways in which rock layers can be disturbed.

What is: folding, faulting, intrusions, and tilting?


The four requirements for an index fossil.

What is: existed for a short period of time, distributed over a large area, relatively common, and has distinct features. 


Scientist have determined an approximate age for Earth using this method of testing samples of rocks from the solar system.

What is Uranium-lead dating?