Define monarch
What is: a person who rules a kingdom or empire; a king or queen, emperor or empress.
Define renegate
What is: One who deserts a group, cause, faith, etc.; an outlaw.
Define anterior
What is: Coming before in position or time.
Define accrue
What is: to come as a natural increase or advantage.
Define celerity
What is: swiftness; quickness; speed.
Define unilateral
Define microbe
What is: An organism invisible to the naked eye, especially one that causes disease.
Define avant-garde
What is: Ahead of the times, especially in the arts.
Define crescendo
What is: a gradual increase in sound, often referring to music.
Define discourse
What is: conversation.
What is: A formal discussion of a subject in speech or writing.
What is: to talk, to discuss formally in speech or writing.
Define decathlon
What is: An athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in ten events.
Define satiate
What is: to satisfy an appetite fully; to gratify to excess.
Define precept
What is: a command; a rule of conduct.
Define facsimile
What is: An exact copy of a book, painting, or document, etc.
Define precursor
What is: Forerunner.
Define totalitarianism
What is: A form of government in which one person or party holds absolute control.
Define implement
What is: a tool or utensil.
What is: to carry out; to but into effect
Define predestination
What is: The belief that what happens in human life has already been determined by some higher power.
Define mollify
What is: to calm; to make gentler or softer in feeling.
Define exult
What is: To rejoice greatly; to be triumphant.
Define vanity
What is: to be conceit, especially about one's appearance.
Define magnanimous
What is: Noble and generous, especially in forgiving; not petty.
Define transitive
What is: describing an action carried from subject to verb to object; needing a direct object to complete the meaning of the verb.
Define salient
What is: conspicuous; striking.
What is projecting up or out.
What is: A covered walk along the inside walls of a building, ususally looking out on a courtyard.
Define megalomania
What is: A form of mental illness in which a person has exaggerated ideas of his or her own importance.
Define premier
What is: First in time or importance.
What is: permitting light to pass through, but not transparent.
Define omnipotent
What is: Having unlimited power; all-powerful
Define magnitude
What is: Greatness of importance or size.
Define posterity
What is: Future generations.
Define ambience
What is: Environment; the surrounding atmoshpere.
Define voluble
What is: Speaking in steady, easy flow of words; talkative; glib.
Define pandemonium
What is: an uproar.
Define polygon
What is: A flat shape with many straight sides.
Define pictograph
What is: a sharp-pointed tool for writing on waxen tablets.
What is: a picture or drawing representing words or ideas.
Define exodus
What is: Mass departure or emigration
What is: having the quality of a cow or ox: sluggish, dull.