The Ancient Greeks
State: the Obvious
Planet Earth
Endangered Animals
Movie Magic

The first event in history recorded by the ancient Greeks were these contests that took place in 776 B.C.

What is the Olympics?

At last count this state had about 2 1/2 times as many cars as Texas or New York

What is California?


Home to 10% of the world's known species this rainforest covers 1.2 billion acres 60% of it in Brazil

What is the Amazon Rainforest?


Ocean dwellers with colorful names on the endangered list include the green turtle & this most massive animal

What is the Blue Whale?


Harry Potter's teachers include Madam Hooch who teaches flying on one of these

What is a broom?


To the Greeks the navel of the world was in this town where the oracle of Apollo spoke

What is Delphi?


Florida's in the southeast corner of the 48 contiguous states; this state is in the northwest corner

What is Washington?


It's the name used for any half of the globe

What is a hemisphere?


The Asian species of this animal can weigh 11000 lbs. & drinks about 40 gallons of water a day

What is the Elephant?


A pair of magic ruby slippers is at the center of this classic 1939 film

What is the Wizard of Oz?


Impiety toward the gods & corrupting the young were on this philosopher's final rap sheet

Who was Socrates?


This state's most famous monument has four giant faces of notable US presidents

What is South Dakota?


They're sometimes called grasslands or savannahs but in God Bless America they're called these

What are the prairies?


This longest river in China is home to the finless porpoise now critically endangered

What is the Yangtze?


In Fantasia, this character gets swept up into a disaster when he puts a broom to work carrying water

Who is Mickey Mouse (or Sorcerer's Apprentice)?


In 335 B.C. he brought many more than seven against Thebes when it foolishly rose against his leadership

Who was Alexander the Great?

The first to ratify the Constitution is also the home state of US president-elect Joe Biden

What is Delaware?


An annual 1-million-strong migration of these animals crosses the Mara River through a gauntlet of crocs

What are the wildebeests?


Found only in Vietnam & Laos the saola has parallel horns yet it's also called the Asian this mythical creature

What is a Unicorn?


These two actors play magicians in The Prestige, one was Wolverine, the other Batman

Who are Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale?


In his comedy, The Clouds, this playwright poked fun at intellectuals like the sophists

Who was Aristophanes?


Homestate of Gerald Ford, this "Great Lakes" state is second only to Alaska in terms of coastline

What is Michigan?


This dark organic substance found in soil & formed from decaying matter is good for plants; some might try to eat it with pita

What is humus?


A reserve in Cyprus has been established to save the Mediterranean mouflon a wild type of this

What is sheep?


The Mages an elite group of magic-users rule the empire of Izmer in this 2000 film based on a role-playing game

What is Dungeons & Dragons?