When do we create Open escalated case?
Close LOC
What is the timeframe for resolving the deceased customer's request?
1 Business day
When can we grant a customer request to delete information from portal?
Never, can deactivate never delete
What is the first step when a customer calls for cash advance rescission?
Notate in chat
A customer would like to receive a copy of their contract.
What is a letterhead Correspondence Request
What is the latest time an LOC rescission can be completed?
Two business days from the requested date
When would you create other escalated task?
Leadership will inform associates via g-chat
When 3rd party calls in to notify us of a customer passing what is the first step?
Attempt KBA
What escalated task can involve sending 804a email?
Bankruptcy intend to file?
What is the timeframe for loan/LOC funded rescission?
Up to 4 business days for funding to return
When would you not read the kba verbatim script?
3rd party called in stating customer is deceased
The customer calls in claiming ID Theft only SSN matches what would be the first step?
Complete KBA
What task do you create when a LOC customer wants a 10-day payoff?
N/A 10-day payoff only applies to installment loans
What is the timeframe for resolving the customer's request for a letter of indemnity?
No timeframe
When would you create customer service CASE type escalated STATUS withdraw/rescind Activity type No longer need funds case?
Never we no longer use this notation
The customer calls in stating they are working with a debt management company POA received what is all steps?
Cease all communication on the details page (do not authorize the phone number and uncheck all the boxes). Attach POA, Revoke ACH, and lock draw for LOC. Create an Escalation Task to forward POA to creditcounseling@enova.com.
The customer responded to email 644a with a document. What case would you create?
What is escalated task & reason code military
What escalated task is resolved within 5-10 days?
Credit counseling POA
When the customer states the bank on file is closed, and they have not received the funds, what is the next step?
The customer will need to contact their bank for further assistance, and the customer is liable for the funds.
What process involves sending email 653
What is delete personal info/ deactivate account