Quotations and Paraphrases
Reference List
APA Style
Transitions of Comparison and Contrast
What is a paraphrase?
Changing the words of the source text, but keeping the same idea.
What elements must be in every in-text citation?
Author's LAST name & year
What is a reference? Explain.
It gives all the information about each source you used (which you also cited in the body of the essay)
What 2 extra pages/sections should be added to the pages containing your essay in your APA formatted final draft?
Title page and Reference page
Which of these is a suboordinator? a. while b. however c. but
a. while
What is a quotation? What special punctuation does it need?
Keeping the same exact words of the source; quotation marks.
Explain two different ways to cite the following paraphrase: Paraphrase: APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners. Author: Eric Jones Year of publication: 2006
According to Jones (2006), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners. APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 2006).
How should the references be ordered in a reference list?
alphabetical order
What should appear at the top of each page? What is different on the first page?
A header with the title (all caps) and page number. On the first page only, it should say Running head before the title.
Name 3 transitions that can go at the beginning of a sentence to show contrast (difference).
However, On the contrary, In contrast, On the other hand, Compared with _______,
True or False: It is plagiarism if you cite a source, but do not change enough of the wording and grammar in your paraphrase.
What should you put in a citation if the author is unknown?
The title
What should the title of a reference page look like?
References, centered, not bold.
What three things go on a title page, and in what order?
Title, Author's name, Institution (school)
Cats can cause symptoms in many allergy sufferers, _____ not many people are allergic to dogs. a. however b. but c. just like
b. but
Give two instances when you should use a quotation rather than a paraphrase.
when the exact author's wording is particularly striking; when the author is an authoritative source; when you take issue with what the author says
Is the following quotation correct? Although "students often had difficulty using APA style" (Jones, 1998, p. 199), we don't necessarily know why.
How should the author's name and the year always appear at the beginning of a reference?
Last name, first initial. (Year).
What should the text of the essay look like? (Font, size, spacing...)
Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced (no extra space)
Name 3 transitions that can go at the beginning of a sentence to show similarity.
In the same way, By the same token, Similarly, In like manner, Likewise, Much like _________,
Paraphrase this sentence: "Across a wide range of experiences, you're likely to get the biggest bang for your buck if the experience brings you together with other people, fostering a sense of social connection."
any acceptable answer.
Is the following citation for two authors correct? There is a specific way to cite information from a source by two authors (Wegener and Petty, 1994).
No. (Wegener & Petty, 1994).
What is wrong with this citation for a book? (Ignore what should be italicized!) Calfee, & Valencia. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Missing first initial of authors.
What does "APA" stand for?
American Psychological Association
What's the difference of a coordinator and a subordinator?
Coordinators connect two independent clauses (in a compound sentence). A subordinator connects a dependent clause to an independent clauses (in a complex sentence).