What do you call a place where an animal lives?
A habitat
What kind of water does a lake have, fresh or salt?
What is at the beginning of every food chain?
The Sun
Name a famous Korean landmark
Name 3 dinosaurs
What is a forest?
A place where there are many tall trees.
What do you a call a habitat that is a very large and deep body of salty water?
An ocean
What do animals use plants for?
Shelter and food
What is a settler?
A person who makes a home in a new place.
Name the four seasons
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
What is a grassland habitat?
A grassland is a dry place with a lot of grass.
What body part so fish use to swim in the water?
What does 'extinct' mean?
When all of one kind of plant or animal is dead.
What is a colony?
A country that is ruled by another country.
Describe how an arctic fox is adapted to living in the Arctic
It has white, thick fur.
Describe how a giraffe's adaptation helps them survive.
Their long necks help them to eat leaves off tall trees.
What keeps whales warm in cold water?
Thick skin
How do bees help plants make new plants?
Bees carry pollen from flower to flower.
What is 'recreation'?
What people do for fun
What is a fossil?
The bones of a long dead dead animal.
How does a woodpecker's adaptation help it survive?
It's long, sharp beak helps it to get food from inside a tree.
What do Beavers do to survive?
They use trees to build dams on a lake so they have a safe place to live.
Describe a food chain
What is the Declaration of Independence?
A paper that told the king of England that Americans wanted to be free.
What is the United States Constitution?
The original set of rules and laws for America.