Verb Tenses
Subject-Verb Agreement
Nouns and Pronouns

Change the following sentence from active to passive:

Mr. Brown painted our house.

Our house was painted by Mr. Brown.


Make sentences using Would you mind.

a. I want to speak with John.

b. I want you to speak with John.

a. Would you mind if I spoke with John?

b. Would you mind speaking with John?


Correct the error(s):

I am studying here since last January. 

I have been studying here since last January.


Correct the error(s):

Robert sing when he take a shower.

Robert sings when he takes a shower.


Correct the error(s):

I have book.

I have a book.


I have the book.


Change the following sentence from passive to active:

The rice was prepared by Jamal.

Jamal prepared the rice.


Which sentence is stronger:

a. We had better bring pencils.

b. We should bring pencils. 

A is stronger.

Complete the sentence with the appropriate tense of the verb in parentheses:

John is in my English class. He (study) ___________ English this semester.

He is studying English this semester.


Choose the correct completion:

Lettuce (is, are) good for you.

Lettuce is good for you.


Complete the sentence with (a) pronoun(s):

The crowd at the soccer game was huge. _______exceeded 100,000 people.

It exceeded 100,000 people.


Make a passive sentence in simple past with the following words:

A package / deliver / to our apartment yesterday

A package was delivered to our apartment yesterday.


Complete the sentence with will, should/ought to, or must.

Ed has been acting strangely lately. He ________ be in love.

He must be in love.

Complete the sentence(s) using the appropriate form of the verb in parentheses:

I (be) _____ very busy lately. In the past two weeks, I (have) _____ four tests and I have another one next week.

I have been very busy lately. In the past two weeks, I have had four tests and I have another one next week.


Choose the correct completion:

There (was, were) a terrible earthquake in Iran last year.

There was a terrible earthquake in Iran last year.


Complete the sentence with a form of other (other, another, the other, others, the others):

I'm almost finished. I just need _________ five minutes.

I just need another five minutes.


Complete the sentence with the word(s) that make sense. More than one answer may be correct:

Sonia stopped working because it was getting______.

a. late   b. dark   c. tired   d. sleepy

A and B are both correct.

Correct the error(s):

During class the student must to sit quietly.

During class the students must sit quietly.

Correct the error(s):

While I am writing my composition last night, someone knocks on the door.

While I was writing my composition last night, someone knocked on the door. 


Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:

A car with poor brakes and no brake lights (be) ______ dangerous.

A car with poor brakes and no brake lights is dangerous.


Correct the error(s):

Thousand of athlete take part in the Olympics.

Thousands of athletes take part in the Olympics.


Correct the error(s):

Two people got hurted in the accident and were took to the hospital by ambulance.

Two people got hurt in the accident and were taken to the hospital by ambulance.


Correct the error(s):

We supposed to bring our books to class every day. 

We are supposed to bring our books to class every day.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:

Yesterday John at breakfast at 8:00. He (eat, already) ____________ breakfast when he (leave) _________ for class at 8:45.

He had already eaten breakfast when he left for class at 8:45.


Correct the error(s):

Many of the satellites orbiting the earth is used for communications.

Many of the satellites orbiting the earth are used for communications.

Correct the error(s): 

In today's world, womans work as doctor, pilot, archeologist, and many other thing. Both my mother and father are teacher's. 

In today's world, women work as doctors, pilots, archeologists, and many other things. Both my mother and father are teachers.