Sentence Types
Time to Identify
What is on the top right of a page that is formatted in MLA format?
The author's last name and page number. For example: Anderson 1
What kind of sentence is this? I like chocolate.
Simple sentence
List the coordinating conjunctions.
For And Nor But Or Yet So
What are at least five prepositional phrases or prepositions?
in the background, to the right, On the last day of school, On Saturday, above below beneath page 53
Eat dinner late is not good for your health.
Since the subject of a sentence cannot be a verb, it must be changed into a gerund. Eating dinner...
In what order do you put the information on the top left side of a paper?
name John Smith instructor's name Instructor Quintana class ESL 265W date 05 December 2013
What kind of sentence is this? I like chocolate, but my brother likes hard candies.
compound sentence
Which conjunctions show contrast?
yet but
Why do you use "is" instead of "are" in the sentence below? My brothers or sister is going to help me when I move.
A singular noun is closest to the helping verb.
My professor advised me take a writing course.
The verb "take" has to be in infinitive form because advised is in the past tense.
What type of paragraph is your first paragraph?
The first paragraph of an essay is the introduction.
What kind of sentence is this? I like hard chocolates, but my brother likes hard candies because they last longer in your mouth.
What is a conjunctive adverb?
One example is however
What are two homonyms of "their"?
there they're
There is a lot of pressure for me, because I want to get a good grade in every class.
Do not put a comma in a complex sentence if there is no appositive. You do not need a comma before because.
Where does the period go in this sentence? According to Johnson, "MLA is important to show organization, unity, and professionalism" (33)
Put the period after the page number. If there is no page number or citation after the quotes, put the period inside the quotes.
Because I did my homework, I will receive all of my points.
List at least three subordinating conjunctions
1. because 2. if 3. when 4. since Check your answer if you have different ones. There are too many to list.
What is the difference between a restricted relative clause and a non-restrictive relative clause?
-A restrictive relative clause is essential information. -A nonrestrictive relative clause is non-essential. It is extra information about the noun or noun phrase. page 57
As soon as you have your list websites, we suggest that you quickly to scan the list.
Do not put an infinitive after an adverb. quickly scan....
In MLA, what is the last page called where you put the sources that you used?
Works Cited
Which type of clause is first? In order to be successful, a person should stay focused on a goal.
Introductory clause which is a dependent clause.
What is the difference when the subordinating conjunction is in the first clause VS. when subordinating conjunction is in the second clause?
There is a comma if the dependent clause is first. Conjunction..... , .......conjunction....
What is a gerund?
A gerund is an -ing form of a verb that acts like a noun. It can be used as a subject of a sentence. page 164
What is are the adverbial clauses? While summers are hot in Dubai, they are cool in Oslo Although satellite radio is expensive, it is well worth it. While some people like to invest their savings, I like to invest in stocks.
While summers are hot in Dubai, Although satellite radio is expensive, While some people like to invest their savings, page 129