Edit this sentence: I’m going visit all the stores and find some great clothes for myself!
I'm GOING TO visit all the stores and find some great clothes for myself!
Choose the correct future tense form: Malls are usually ugly buildings, and fewer people ( are wanting / wanting / will want / to want ) to move to the community because of it.
Malls are usually ugly buildings, and fewer people WILL WANT to move to the community because of it.
Use future time clauses to show the relationship between TWO FUTURE EVENTS. The verb in the MAIN clause is in the _________ tense.
The verb in the MAIN clause is in the FUTURE tense.
Future time clauses begin with TIME EXPRESSIONS to show the order of events: When, After and As Soon As introduces which event?
The FIRST event
When we discuss FUTURE FACTS we use...
"Be going to" OR "will"
Edit this sentence: Dad’s going not to like it.
Dad's NOT GOING TO like it.
Edit this sentence: I’ll to tell him the bad news tonight.
I'll tell him the bad news tonight.
Use future time clauses to show the relationship between TWO FUTURE EVENTS. The verb in the TIME clause is in the _________ tense.
The verb in the TIME clause is in the PRESENT tense.
Future time clauses begin with TIME EXPRESSIONS that show order of events: BEFORE introduces which event?
The SECOND event.
When we discuss PREDICTIONS we use:
"be going to" OR "will"
Use the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentence: The food court (to / have / going / be) 20 restaurants.
The food court IS GOING TO HAVE 20 restaurants.
Use the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentence. People (be / able / will) to watch movies at the mall.
People WILL BE ABLE to watch movies at the mall.
The time clause can come at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. When do you use a comma?
When the time clause comes at the beginning of the sentence.
Future time clauses begin with TIME EXPRESSIONS that show order of events: UNTIL introduces which event?
UNTIL introduces the SECOND event. "Only up to the time" of the second event.
When we discuss FUTURE PLANS, we use:
"be going to" / PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (-ing)
What is the correct future tense usage? It’s likely that this mall (put / is going to put / is putting / to put) many small local stores out of business.
It's likely that this mall IS GOING TO PUT many small local stores out of business.
Use the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentence. The new mall (will / be) on the east side of town.
The new mall WILL BE on the east side of town.
What is the MAIN clause? You are going to move to a larger apartment after you get a raise
You are going to move to a larger apartment...
Future time clauses begin with TIME EXPRESSIONS that show order of events: WHILE introduces which event?
WHILE introduces an event that will happen AT THE SAME TIME as another event.
When we discuss QUICK DECISIONS or OFFERS/PROMISES we use:
How do you form future statements with "GOING TO" ?
form of BE + going to + base form of verb
How do you form future statements with "WILL"?
will + base form of verb
What is the TIME clause? I will work for two years before I move out of my apartment and into a house.
...before I move out of my apartment and into a house.
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the following: Nora will need some new furniture when she moves into her new apartment. a. Nora will need some new furniture. Then she’ll move into her new apartment. b. Before Nora will need some new furniture, she moves into her new apartment. c. Nora will move into her new apartment. Then she’ll need some new furniture.
c. Nora will move into her new apartment. Then she’ll need some new furniture.
When we discuss SCHEDULED EVENTS we use ...
The Simple present.