Present Progressive
Simple Past
Past Progressive with Simple Past
Simple Present
When do we use the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE?
For something that is happening RIGHT NOW, or for a longer present time. (ex. right now, this month)
When do you use SIMPLE PAST?
Use simple past to talk about actions, states, or situations that have been completed.
Use the PAST PROGRESSIVE to describe the ______________ of a past action.
Use the past progressive to describe the DURATION of a past action.
When do you use SIMPLE PRESENT?
To describe what USUALLY happens. (every day, routine)
Find the mistake in this sentence: At the moment, all five babies sleep and Mary wants to sleep too.
At the moment, all five babies ARE SLEEPING and Mary wants to sleep too.
Present progressive verbs end with ....
The simple past of REGULAR VERBS is formed by adding ...
The simple past of REGULAR VERBS is formed by: Adding -D or -ED to the base form of the verb. *
Use the past progressive with the simple past to talk about an action that was interrupted by another action. Use the _____________ for the interrupting action.
Use the SIMPLE PAST for the interrupting action. ex. I was exercising when he called.
What are adverbs of frequency?
Adverbs of frequency are used with the simple present. It tells HOW OFTEN something happens. (ex. Always, sometimes, often, rarely, never) *
Edit this sentence: All five babies sleep rarely at the same time.
All five babies RARELY sleep at the same time. *
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb: John stayed home for two weeks, but now he (is working / work / working) again.
John stayed home for two weeks, but now he IS WORKING again.
We often use SIMPLE PAST with PAST TIME EXPRESSIONS. What is an example of a PAST TIME EXPRESSION?
Ex. yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10 years ago, in 2012 ...
Past progressive is used with the word, ________, to talk about two actions in progress at the same time.
Past progressive is used with the word, WHILE, to talk about two actions in progress at the same time. Ex. While I was reading, Amy was sleeping. *
What are non-action verbs?
Non-action verbs are used to describe feelings or situations, but not an action. (ex. like, love, hate, want, feel, fear, know, remember, believe) *
Correct these sentences: Roberto and Marcela eaten at one of their favorite Mexican restaurants yesterday. After lunch, they go shopping.
Roberto and Marcela ATE at one of their favorite Mexican restaurants yesterday. After lunch, they WENT shopping.
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb: Right now, John ___________(work) on a big project.
Right now, John IS WORKING on a big project.
Complete the sentence with the correct past tense forms: They (went / go / are going) out of town and into the mountains.
They WENT out of town and into the mountains.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentence: Arthur (was sitting / did sit / was to sit) at his desk when the robber came into the office.
Arthur WAS SITTING at his desk when the robber came into the office.
What makes this sentence correct?: Mary (is making / made / makes) 50 bottles every day.
Mary MAKES 50 bottles every day.
Correct the 2 mistakes: Cheryl: What were you doing when you first felt the earthquake? Grace: I sold soda. While the stadium was shake, the sodas were jumping out of my box like popcorn.
Cheryl: What were you doing when you first felt the earthquake? Grace: I WAS SELLING soda. While the stadium WAS SHAKING, the sodas were jumping out of my box like popcorn.
Use the correct form of the verb: The babies _____________(sleep) better these days.
The babies ARE SLEEPING better these days.
Complete the sentence using the correct simple past form. In the evening, they (didn’t watched / are watching / didn’t watch) a movie they rented. They went to bed early.
In the evening, they DIDN'T WATCH a movie they rented. They went to bed early. *
Use simple past or past progressive to complete the sentence: While they ________________(drive) home, some people_________(hear) about a collapsed highway.
While they WERE DRIVING home, some people HEARD about a collapsed highway.
What is the correct way to write this sentence? : He (works / work / are working) as a computer programmer.
He WORKS as a computer programmer.
Correct the sentence: Last night, Marcela done laundry while Roberto gives the baby a bath.
Last night, Marcela DID laundry while Roberto GAVE the baby a bath.