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Finish this ...
Grammar, etc.

What should a presentation include?

Many ideas would work here, including clear information with an introduction, middle, and conclusion; loud and clear voice; interesting images or objects shared, etc.


Give someone on the call a nice complement.

For example: Your hair looks great like that!


This summer, I plan to ... (give at least three ideas.)

For example: This summer, I plan to go camping, do some reading and writing and go hiking.


Name 5 positive personality traits and explain what they mean.

Many adjective examples, like: creative, intelligent, funny, generous, kind, assertive, interesting, patient, strong, original, helpful, reliable, wise, etc.


Pronounce the following past tense verbs correctly:

listened, floated, watched, started, looked, traveled

Pronounced with a /t/ sound: looked, watched

Pronounced with a /d/ sound: listened, traveled

Pronounced with a /ed/ sound: started, floated (ONLY pronounce the separate -ed syllable with words ending in d or t sounds)


Describe an event or a place you have been to using at least 3 specific details.

For example: One of my favorite places here in Santa Fe is the Railyard Park and Farmers Market. I like to go there on Tuesday mornings to buy vegetables. When my son was little, he loved to play at the park. I enjoy seeing all of the native plants there. They did an amazing job renovating that area. Now, I love to go to the movies at Violet Crown!


Discuss 5 ways you will practice English over the summer OR name 5 places around town and what we can do there.

For example: I will practice English this summer by watching movies in English, reading in English, going over my workbook, listening to music in English and joining an English course on

I enjoy going to the plaza to hear music, the Opera to watch a show, Museum Hill to go to some of our great museums, Tent Rocks for hiking and to the Eldorado swimming pool to swim.


While I was talking on the phone, ...

While we ate dinner, ...

We were visiting the neighbors when ...

... my son broke a window!

... mice were eating our dessert!

... a car smashed into the tree out front!

(For example)


What does it mean to "get along" with people? Use it in a sentence. 

What is a "network"? Use it in a sentence.

For example: To "get along" with others means you are able to work with others well/ you don't have problems with people. "I'm so glad everyone in our class gets along so well."

A "network" is a group of people who can be helpful to you/ support you in any area - socially, at work, at church, at school, etc. "We have a network of about 15 teachers and 120 students in our ESL program."


Complete the phrasal verbs:

come - / throw - / turn - / call - / fill - /
clean - / hand - / break - / get - 

come in/ come out

throw out/ throw away 

turn on/ turn in/ turn up or down

call back/ call out

fill in/ fill out

clean up

hand out/ hand in

break into/ break down

get into/ get on/ get down/ get away


What tips do you have for someone going to a job interview?

Some tips include: looking professional, being a little early, having a firm handshake, practicing beforehand, answering questions honestly and fully, being enthusiastic and kind, not talking badly about anyone, etc.


CINDERELLA: Were you always my fairy godmother?
CINDERELLA: So you watched my stepmother horribly mistreat me for years and did nothing?
FAIRY GODMOTHER: Look what I can do to this pumpkin!

Talk about what this text means and why this is funny.

It's Cinderella calling the Fairy Godmother out for not helping her before! It's funny because I never thought of that!


When I'm tired ...

When I don't understand ...

When I have too much to do ...

When I need to focus ...

... I take a break.

... I ask questions. 

                                                                           ... I practice saying "No".

... I turn off my computer and phone.

(For example)


Spell the words that your teacher gives. After spelling each, say which spelling rule it follows.

Well, these were the words and rules:

piece - i before e except after c

like - silent e 

celebrating - take out the e at the end of the verb (when there is a consonant before it) and add -ing

families - take out the y (when there is a consonant before it) and add -ies to make the word plural

dropped - for single syllable words (or 2 syllable with the stress on the second syllable) ending in a vowel and a consonant, double the consonant before adding a suffix (-ed/ -ing/ -er)


Have you ever been to a big city? Describe it. What were the attractions there?

For example: I have been to New York City. It is huge! It is a culture shock for someone from the west of the US. Everything is close together, you can't see far because of all the tall buildings and there is very little green space. The food is so good because there are so many cultures there. The museums are wonderful to see, as is the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building and Central Park.  


What's happening in this picture?

For example: There are people at what looks like a prison's open area. A woman is hugging someone. Is she saying goodbye? (Yes - she is finally getting out of prison at a very old age.)


Describe one of the stories we read in our book on courage. Who was it about and what happened?

One of the stories was about Erin Brockovitch. She was courageous because she fought a big company for the health of the people who lived in a small community. She did it for the people, not for herself. She sacrificed a lot to do this and made a big difference in the people's lives.

If we get time off, we ...

We will go to the library if ...

Before I book a flight, I ...

I will go camping after ...

... will go to the beach.

... it reopens soon.

... will research prices.

... I get some supplies.

(For example)


Describe the word "courage" and give an example of someone courageous that you know or have heard of. Include why you think they are courageous.

Courage is the same as bravery - it means to fight and go on, even when there are challenges. We are all brave right now!


Write 3 sentences:

-1 using the present perfect

-1 using the present continuous 

-1 using the past continuous

For example: 

Present perfect: I have studied English for 5 years.

Present continuous: I am typing right now.

Past continuous: I was eating lunch with my son at 1 pm when we got a phone call.


Think of a favorite show you have. Tell what, where, when, who, why and how about it.

My son loves the current-day show "Inbestigators" (spelling is purposeful). It is about a bunch of kids who solve mysteries - at their school, homes and around their community. They use their intelligence to solve the mysteries. It is set in a city in Australia.


Name 5 ways to deal with stress and stay healthy. Discuss why they are important.

5 ways to beat stress include: get plenty of sleep, keep a positive attitude and have friends, exercise daily, eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water and listen to music, read or meditate! These are all important for our health and being able to deal with challenges because they meet our basic needs as humans.


The main idea of this comic is ...

... That the woman is not getting any work done at all! She is only drinking coffee all day!


Tell the "color" of the following words:

schedule, punctuality, appointment, responsible & organized.

schedule - red dress

punctuality - a cup of mustard

appointment - turquoise

responsible - olive

organized - orange


Finish the paragraph in writing. Use time words like "next," "then," "before," "later," and "after."

I have many things to do today. I need to ...

For example: I have many things to do today. First, I need to teach my class. Second, I need to do some research for an article I am writing. Then, I need to make my family lunch. I also would like to go to the store and get groceries. Later, I want to do some reading with my son. After that, I will make dinner. Finally, I hope to relax and watch a show.