Context Clues
Nouns and Nouns Phrases
PROVOKES-Our children are so afraid of snakes that even a toy rubber snake provokes panic in them. a. amuses b. closes c. prevents d. causes
d. causes
If the sentence is correct, write C. If the sentence is not correct, write the entire sentence correctly: Professor Todd is teaching at SCAD for a long time.
Professor Todd has taught at SCAD for a long time.
Write the sentence correctly or write C if it is correct: Picasso was a spanish painter who spent most of his adult life in the france.
Picasso was a Spanish painter who spent most of his adult life in France.
Combine these sentences in two different ways-Van Gogh was an innovative artist. He was not very successful during his lifetime.
Although Van Gogh was an innovative artist, he was not very successful during his lifetime. ---or--- Van Gogh was an innovative artist, yet he was not very successful during his lifetime.
Correct the sentence: Sam is late often to class.
Sam is often late to class.
REMINISCED-At the family reunion, the older relatives sat together and reminisced for hours about events of fifty years ago. a. forgot b. were irritated c. discussed past events d. argued
c. discussed past events
If the sentence is correct, write C. If the sentence is not correct, write the entire sentence correctly:The students are belonging the Humans versus Zombies Club.
The students belong to the Humans versus Zombies Club.
Write the sentence correctly or write C if it is correct: They bought some specials gifts.
They bought some special gifts.
Correct the sentence: In 1888 van Gogh moved south to Arles, France he rented out a yellow house to live in and invited artist Paul Gauguin to join him, he loved the vibrant colors and the bright sun of Arles.
In 1888 van Gogh moved south to Arles, France. He rented out a yellow house to live in and invited artist Paul Gauguin to join him. He loved the vibrant colors and the bright sun of Arles.
Correct the sentence: Steve Jobs was a thinker creatively.
Steve Jobs was a creative thinker.
DILEMMA-Otis was faced with the dilemma of putting more money into his ancient Chevy or doing without a car. a. happy situation b. bad mood c. unpleasant choice d. victory
c. unpleasant choice
If the sentence is correct, write C. If the sentence is not correct, write the entire sentence correctly:Susan doesn't bring her sunscreen to the beach last weekend.
Susan didn't bring her sunscreen to the beach last weekend.
Write the sentence correctly or write C if it is correct: Writing essays requires a lot of skill.
Guess the correct answer(s): The gift ____ I want for my birthday is a pony. a.who b.that c.ø
b.that c.ø
Correct the sentence if it incorrect, or write C if it is correct-She should talks to her friends more often.
She should talk to her friends more often.
WARY-The wolf was wary, circling around the camp until he felt sure that all the hikers were asleep. a. hungry b. cautious c. brave d. tired
b. brave
If the sentence is correct, write C. If the sentence is not correct, write the entire sentence correctly:By the time the quarter ends, students will have learned the basics of research writing.
Write the sentence correctly or write C if it is correct:They bought some egg and milk at the supermarket.
They bought some eggs and milk at the supermarket.
Correct the sentence: I went to MOMA last summer and saw paintings from many of my favorite artists. For example, Monet, Picasso, and Rauschenberg.
I went to MOMA last summer and saw paintings from many of my favorite artists like Monet, Picasso, and Rauschenberg.
Correct the sentence: Sue enjoys to listening music.
Sue enjoys listening to music.
IMPERTINENT-Janice often asks impertinent questions such as "Where did you get that ugly shirt?" or "Did you cut your own hair?" a. clever b. rude c. important d. friendly
b. rude
If the sentence is correct, write C. If the sentence is not correct, write the entire sentence correctly:Happiness with a job seem to be an important determiner of overall life satisfaction.
Happiness with a job seems to be an important determiner of overall life satisfaction.
Write the sentence correctly or write C if it is correct: Picassos' work is made by oil on woods.
Picasso's work is made of oil on wood.
Combine all of these sentences into one sentence-Emily wanted to be successful. She worked day and night. she worked for a famous advertising agency. Eventually she became vice president.
Emily wanted to be successful, so she worked day and night for a famous advertising agency and eventually became vice president.
Correct the sentence: I don't like riding on the bus because I am boring.
I don't like riding on the bus because it is boring.