Definitions 1
Word Families
Definitions 2
Reading Comprehension
Synonyms/Antonyms (30)
Menial means: a)different b)unskilled c)useful
What is "b)unskilled"
The lights on the amusement park ride _____________ (fluctuation) and encourage feelings of of_____________(anticipate) for visitors.
What is: fluctuate and anticipation
Contemporary means: a) a basic or important part of something b) modern c) different
What is "b) modern"
Which of the following is mentioned in Section I as unacceptable to a consumer of organic food? A) fruit grown with natural fertilizers B) animals being fed parts of other animals C) the use of any pesticides in livestock D) the consumption of meat products
What is "B) animals being fed parts of other animals"
A synonym for persist is ________. An antonym for persist is ________.
What is "continue" and "stop"
Prominent means: a) important b) new c) manipulated
What is "a) important"
Usually they __________________ (exhibition) temporary displays over here but some sections of the library are permanently ___________(retain) in a specific way.
What is: exhibit and retained
I did not want to seem ________, so I gave all of my friends the same gift. a) expandable b) biased c) minimal
What is "b) biased"
People who eat organic food care about where it comes from because A) they want to help people in other countries. B) they want to be able to guarantee its freshness C) they want it to cost as little as possible. D) they are generally green in outlook.
What is "D) they are generally green in outlook."
A synonym for "intentionally" is ___________. An antonym for "intentionally" is ___________.
What is "on purpose" and "accidentally"
The newspaper took the ________ decision to publish the never before seen photographs. a) unprecedented b) legitimate c) credible
What is "a) unprecedented"
Clocks must maintain their ______________(accurate) to be useful, but sometimes different clocks __________ (variation) slightly from one another.
What is: accuracy and vary
"To distribute" means: a) to allow b) to hand out c) to connect
What is "b) to hand out"
When would a localist from a cold country expect to eat tropical fruit? A) on their birthday B) on special occasions C) when traveling D) never
What is "C) when traveling"
A synonym for "substitute" is ______. An antonym for "substitute" is _______.
What is "replace" and "keep"
Envisiage means: a) intended b) fair c) expected
What is "c) expected"
Some people feel that fireplaces ____________(implication) a sense of _____________(sophisticated).
What is: imply and sophistication
"To confer" means: a) to influence b) to assess c) to give
What is "c) to give"
How are prices of locally-grown food kept low? A) The farmers themselves sell the food at the market. B) Shoppers are willing to go to the farm to buy them. C) Farmers have to spend more money transporting them. D) The market traders force the farmers to accept lower prices.
What is "A) The farmers themselves sell the food at the market."
A synonym for "capable" is ________. An antonym for "capable" is ________.
What is "able" and "unable"
"Obliged" means: a) required b) engaged c) accurate
What is "a) required"
I like to use _________________ (discrete) and not talk too loudly, but sometimes it is hard to ______________ (adjustment) to being quiet.
What is: discretion and adjust
The conflict between parents and peers is may be more__________ than real. a) apparent b) cooperative c) eventual
What is "a) apparent"
Why would a localist support city farms? A) They would allow farmers to leave rural areas. B) They would enable the export of goods to the countryside. C) They would extend the concept of local food to the cities. D) They would solve the problem of hunger in urban areas.
What is "C) They would extend the concept of local food to the cities."
A synonym for "enhance" is _____. An antonym for "enhance" is _____.
What is "improve" and "worsen"