situational roleplay
common slang

Ambitious - Sarah was always setting high goals for herself and working hard to achieve them, showing just how ambitious she was.

having a strong desire to achieve something


Add the correct punctuation to this sentence: "Wow that was an amazing performance"

Wow, that was an amazing performance!


Fix the sentence: "He don't like eating vegetables."

He doesn't like eating vegetables


You are at a grocery store and need to find apples. How do you ask for help?

Excuse me, can you tell me where the apples are?


What does "lit" mean?

exciting or fun


Perplexing - The instructions for assembling the furniture were so perplexing that even the most experienced handyman was confused.

confusing or difficult to understand


Add the correct punctuation to this sentence: She asked Are you coming to the party tonight

She asked, "Are you coming to the party tonight?"


Fix the sentence: "She was more taller than her brother."

She was taller than her brother


You forgot your homework at home. How do you explain this to your teacher?

I'm sorry, I forgot my homework at home. Can I bring it tomorrow?


What does "salty" mean when referring to someone's attitude?

bitter or upset


Gregarious - Mark was very gregarious, always surrounded by friends and never missing a social event.

sociable; enjoying the company of others


Add the correct punctuation to this sentence: I have three favorite colors blue green and red

I have three favorite colors: blue, green, and red. 


Fix the sentence: "Me and him went too the store but forgetted to buy milk."

He and I went to the store but forgot to buy milk


You want to borrow a book from the library. How do you ask the librarian?

Excuse me, can you please help me find a book on (topic) please?


What does "low-key" mean?

not intended to attract a lot of attention


Meticulous - Jane was meticulous about her homework, checking every detail to ensure there were no mistakes.

careful and precise


Add the correct punctuation to this sentence: Its important to bring your books notebooks and pens to class"

It's important to bring your books, notebooks, and pens to class.


Fix the sentence: "The dog chased it's tail and barked loud."

The dog chased its tail and barked loudly


You need to return a shirt you bought because it doesn't fit. What do you say to the store clerk?

I'd like to return this shirt because it doesn't fit. Can I get a different size or a refund?


What does "ghosted" mean in terms of communication?

suddenly stopping all communication without explanation


Benevolent - The benevolent woman donated a large sum of money to the local animal shelter, wanting to help the animals find good homes.

kind and generous


Add the correct punctuation to this sentence: Without hesitation Lilly replied Yes I finished my homework

Without hesitation, Lilly replied, "Yes I finished my homework."


Fix the sentence: "The book on the table belong to Sarah, and she needs them for her classes tomorrow."

The book on the table belongs to Sarah, and she needs it for her class tomorrow


You are asking for directions to the nearest bus stop. How do you ask someone on the street?

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop?


What does "spill the tea" mean?

to share gossip or reveal the truth