What does gracious mean?
Thankful, grateful
What is thankful?
In the past, what was Paulina?
She was a princess
What is a princess?What is the name of the queen?
Queen Zelda
Who is Queen Zelda?
What does Paulina put in her dress for good luck?
What does feast mean?
Your final test is to cook a feast that proves you worthy of being my dear Druperts wife. pg. 17Feast is a large meal
What is a large meal?
How many tests must the princesses pass?
3 tests
How many princesses remain for the last test?
3 princesses
What is Paulina Holding on page 21?
A pizza!
What does big mouth mean?
pg. 17
Rude, mean, impolite, not quiet
What are the tests the princesses must pass
1. Feel a pea in the mattress
2. Fit in a glass slipper
3. Cook a feast
Why did Paulinas dad stop being king?
He wanted to carve wood.
How many mattresses did Paulina sleep on?
sixteen mattresses (16)
What does kidding mean?
pg. 24
Where does the name pizza come from in the story?
Petes ahhhh = Pizza
Why does Paulina worry in the end?
Why doesn't Paulina want to be a princess at the end of the story?
She does not like Queen Zelda