Vocabulary in Context
Topic and Main Idea
Stated Details
What is previewing? What are the steps to previewing?
Previewing is a pre-reading strategy to help identify the topic , main ideas and what will be in the reading. It is used to get an overview before reading.
How can we guess an unknown word while we are reading without using a dictionary or translator?
Use vocabulary context clues!
Define topic.
The topic of a reading is who or what the reading is about, the subject. It is a word or phrase.
What is a stated detail?
A stated detail is a detail given by the author in a reading.
What is a summary and why do we do it after reading?
A summary is a re-written paragraph about a reading. We do it to increase our memory and understanding about what we read.
What are three things you should do before you begin reading?
1. Build background 2. Preview 3. Review vocabulary 4. Set a purpose for reading
What is a definition context clue and what are some clues that tell us there is a definition of an unknown word?
A definition clue is used when an author directly defines a word in a sentence. Some clues include is, is defined as, means, refers to, :, -, Bold, Italics (....)
Define main idea of a reading.
The main idea of a reading is the author's main point about a topic.
What does a stated detail question look like?
True or false... According to the passage... How many...
What goes in a summary?
A summary should include the topic, major details and main idea of a reading.
How can you build background knowledge before reading?
You can review related vocabulary, look up information about the topic on the internet, or talk to someone else about the topic.
What is a synonym vocabulary clue and what does it look like?
A synonym clue is when an author uses a word that means the same as another word. Clues for synonyms include or, also known as, This..., a word that has the same meaning with commas, etc.
What are the steps to find the topic of a reading? How do you know if it is too general or too specific?
To find the topic: Read the title Read the first paragraph Read the first sentence of each body paragraph Read the conclusion Look for repeated ideas
What are the steps to finding the stated details?
Choose a key word in the question Scan for the key word Read the sentence before, the sentence the word is in, and the sentence after to see what the author says about that detail
What should not go in a summary and how long should it be?
Minor details and my opinion or knowledge should not go in a summary and it should be approximately 1/4 the length of a reading.
Look at page 93-94. You have 30 1 minute to preview the reading and decide on the topic and main idea. Go!
The topic of the reading is the role of grandmothers and the main idea is: In many cultures, grandmothers play an important role in the lives of young children.
Use the context clue to guess the unknown word "vanquished".
Mark vanquished his opponents at the game chess. He defeated all but the best player.
What are the steps to find the main idea of a reading? And what are some key words that can help you find it?
To identify the main idea: Find the topic Look at the details to find out what is the author's main point about the topic Check the details to make sure your main idea sentence covers the entire reading and is not too general or specific Key words: Several Many Ways Factors Differences or similarities Effects or causes Types or kinds The point is The key is In summary
Answer the following stated detail question.
According to the passage on page 94, what influence does a maternal grandmother have on a child's survival?
What are the steps to summarizing?
Find the topic, Find the main idea, Find the major details Take notes about each of these in my own words. Re-write my notes into a paragraph and use connecting words to connect the sentences.
Preview the reading on page 155-156. You have one minute to guess the topic and main idea based on previewing.
The topic is solving crimes and modern technology and the main idea is: New technology helps solve many crimes, even old ones.
Use the context clue to guess the unknown word "metacognition".
Knowing when you understand as you read is called metacognition.
Identify the topic and main idea in the following passage. You have 2 minutes.
Some people have studied the role of grandmothers in different societies. They explain that in many cultures, having a grandmother in the family made a significant different in the child's chances of living. This improved the life chances by 50%. In fact, the grandmother's presence was sometimes more important than the father's! In other words, it was sometimes more important for a child to have a grandmother than a father!
Answer the following stated detail question from page 94.
From 1671 to 1871, Japanese families usually lived with the husband's parents.
Evaluate (judge) the following summary. Tell me what is good and not good about it.
According to Hakim, there are several benefits to using reading strategies. First of all, using reading strategies improves memory. Reading improves understanding. Last, reading improves how well students do on tests. 95% of those surveyed who used reading strategies got higher than a B on tests in a science class. I think this proves that reading skills are important and we should use them.