Authentic Assessment
Oral Assessment
Reading Assessment
Writing Assessment
Content Area Assess.
"To reflect student accomplishments" and "to motivate students" are the two purposes of this aspect of assessment.
What is grading?
Speaking and this process are interdependent oral language processes and need to be taught and assessed in an integrated manner.
What is listening?
In this process, students access prior knowledge and match it to information in the text.
What is schema activation?
This type of writing is use to share knowledge, inform, and give directions or ideas.
What is expository or informative writing?
This method of scoring provides separate scores on written passages for language conventions and for content knowledge.
What is differentiated scoring?
Validity and reliability are two issues that need to be addressed in this aspect of teaching.
What is (performance) assessment?
This type of student uses prior knowledge or elaboration, inferencing, and self-monitoring instead of being focused on the meanings of individual words when listening.
What is an effective listener?
This method of assessment is not graded by the teacher, but helps both students and teachers become aware of students' attitudes, strengths, and weaknesses in reading.
What is self-assessment?
The categories "Idea development/organization," "Fluency/structure," "Word Choice," and "Mechanics" would most likely be seen on what scoring method?
What is a (holistic) scoring rubric?
This type of knowledge consists of the things that you know how to do.
What is procedural knowledge?
When students become more actively involved in this type of assessment, they become more responsible for the direction of their learning.
What is self-assessment?
Daily conversations are typically "context-embedded" and "cognitively-undemanding," whereas this type of language is increasingly "context-reduced" and "cognitively-demanding."
What is academic language?
"What did you like best about your partner's story?" and "What could your partner have done better?" are examples of questions that might be found in this type of assessment.
What is peer assessment?
"Students who write about topics tend to understand them better" and "Students write to learn rather than learn to write" embody the fundamental idea behind this type of writing instruction.
What is writing across the curriculum?
This type of knowledge in social studies includes historical names and dates as well as geographic locations.
What is declarative knowledge?
This term is used to describe the multiple forms of assessment that reflect student learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally-relevant classroom activities. Examples include performance assessment, portfolios, and student self-assessment.
What is authentic assessment?
A teacher should assess oral language that represents this form of communication.
What is everyday speech?
This aid to retelling texts outlines the structure of a story with specific headings (such as "Setting," "Main Characters," and "Events").
What is a story map?
Criteria for this aspect of authentic writing assessment include "Engage the thinking, problem solving, composing, and text-making in processes central to the type of writing," "Be challenging for many students and accessible to all," and "produce interesting, not just proficient writing."
What are writing prompts?
This type of language may take five to seven years or more for ELLs to master, whereas communicative language skills require a much shorter period of time to acquire.
What is academic language?
Showcase, Collections, and Assessment are three types of this form of assessment.
What are the types of portfolios?
This type of communication is always related to the context in which it occurs, and it requires adjusting one's speach and negotiating intending meanings.
What is oral communication?
This type of assessment has a purposeful selection of specific samples of student work based on student reflection and teacher observations representative of classroom activities and student progress.
What is portfolio assessment?
These types of tests are reading passages with blanks representing words that have been deleted from the original text; the blanks are to be filled in by the reader.
What are Cloze tests?
Asking students to display written notes on reading assignments, to discuss the reading in small groups, and to respond to questions on the reading are ways of assessing this aspect of language.
What is reading comprehension?