They say if you use yours, you are intelligent.
They aren't the most beautiful parts of your body. They are important, especially if you are running.
The knees
These enable your hands to do many things. If these are flexible, you may be a really good volleyball player.
The wrists
What parts are used for running a race or playing soccer?
Legs, feet and knees
This part of your body is often smells good and sometimes smells bad. A shower and some deoderant will definitely help.
The armpits
It holds a lot of parts!
Some have none, some have one, but most have two and they are useful for balancing, walking and running.
The feet!
You have two of them. They are holding your head up. Some guys have lots of muscles on them.
The shoulders
There are a lot of things your eyes like doing. What are they?
Watching, looking, seeing, staring, blinking, crying, squinting, peering.
It is the name of a famous Broadway play, the more you have, the better.
10 is the magic number and without the two biggest ones they say you can't keep your balance.
The toes
Watch this or it will grow out of control. Believe me the guys are watching yours. Too much pizza and coke and, oh no!!!!!
The waist!
What part of your body do use to smell with?
The nose
Girls really know how to swing these.
The hips
They say that people who have a big one can cause a lot of problems for others.
I take a beating all day long, especially when you are walking a lot. At the end of the day, I am ususally exhausted! I rhyme with meal!
The heel
If a guy's is big, they call a beer belly. Others call it a stomach...
The abdomen
What part of my body do I kick with?
The feet
They rhyme with pie, but they aren't as sweet. If you want to jump, run, play sports you'd better have strong ones.
The thighs
Some people have a long....
Some people have crooked....
Some people have broken theirs.
At the bottom of my legs and before my feet begin, there is something that is connecting my legs and feet. What am I?
The ankle
If you are eating too much at breakfast, lunch and dinner and between meals then yours is probably getting big.
The stomach
What part of my body likes kissing, eating, tasting, speaking, singing, whispering, whistling and yelling?
The mouth
These are used for picking buggers, pointing at people, but remember, if you point one at others you have three pointing at you.
The fingers