This is how you should enter the classroom.
Quietly and without disturbing others
This is how you should address your teacher in class.
With respect, using 'Mrs. O'
This is how many students are allowed in the bathroom at a time.
One student
This is where you should look for homework assignments
This is the reason why speaking only English is encouraged in the classroom
To improve language skills and fluency
You should do this when you hear the bell ring at the end of class or when the teacher wraps up the class.
Wait for the teacher to dismiss you.
If a classmate is talking, this is what you should do.
Listen quietly
This is the proper way to handle waiting for your turn to use the bathroom of someone is already there.
Wait in the classroom when another students is back
This is what you should do if you don't understand homework assignment.
Ask the teacher for clarification
When working in groups, this is what you should remember to do.
Participate actively and share responsibilities
If you are late to class, this is what you should do when you enter the room.
Hand in your late slip, apologize and quietly take your seat.
This is the best way to ask for help if you're confused during a lesson.
Raise your hand and ask a question
This is the maximum amount of time you should spend in the bathroom during class.
5 min
This is how you should submit your homework
On time and in the format specified by the teacher
Assign specific tasks and check in regularly
This is the item you should always bring to class to take notes.
Notebook or laptop (if approved by the teacher)
If you miss a class, this is your responsibility to ...
To catch up: asked for the missed work and complete it
To avoid toilet breaks during the class, it is a good idea to ...
to use the bathroom during the break
This is what you should do if you need extra help with an assignment
Attend a study session
This is a possible penalty for not following the language policy during class
needing to redo activities
undergoing disciplinary action
This is the correct way to handle your phone during class time.
Keep it off or in your bag, not even in your pocket.
This is the best way to show respect when someone is presenting in front of the class.
Listen attentively and refrain from using your Chromebook
This is what you should do with your phone when you go to the bathroom.
Leave it securely in your bag or on teacher's desk
These are the consequences of repeatedly missing homework deadlines (x3)
Needing to stay after class to complete the work
Not being allowed to take the unit test - a zero
Undergoing through a disciplinary action
This is the role of the group manager
Organize tasks, guide the group, ensure everyone is on track, reinforce "English only" policy