Simple Past VS Past Progressive
Object Pronouns-Direct and Indirect objects
Gerunds and Infinitives
The Future- be going to/ will/ may/ might
Modal Verbs
Tell me 2 time expressions for the simple past and 2 for the past progressive.
What is yesterday, _____ago, last_____, while, at (specific time)
Explain the difference between a subject and object pronoun.
What is a subject replaces the nouns in the subject (before the main verb) and the object replaces the nouns in the object (after the verb)
Explain what a gerund is, explain what an infinitive is.
What is two forms of a verb. Gerund base form + ing, infinitive the to + base form.
May and might express a future......
What is possibility.
Describe a modal verb.
What is a verb that changes the meaning of the verb next to it.
Regular verbs take -ed in the past, like work-worked. Explain the three possible pronunciations of -ed and the rules for each.
What is /t/ (no vibration-p,k,sh,ch,s), /id/ extra syllable (ends in t/d), and /d/ (vibration- all the remaining sounds)
What are the object pronouns?
What is me, you, him, her, it.
Why do we need to think about gerunds and infinitives?
What is because some verbs are followed by an infinitive and others by a gerund.
Of the three forms of the the future here, which is the most common when we speak?
What is be going to.
Describe how a modal verb is different than a regular verb (3 differences)
What is it doesn't change for third person singular he/she/it, it doesn't take an auxiliary verb to become negative or make questions, it is followed by the base form of the verb (not a gerund or infinitive)
Explain the difference between the time expressions, when, while, as soon as.
What is when- simple past- while-past progressive - as soon as-one event follows another.
What questions does an object pronoun answer?
What is who or what. Ex. I talk to her (who/whom), I buy it (what). I came to school (where not what so we can't replace.
Tell me three verbs that can take the gerund OR the infinitive.
What is hate, like, love, prefer (among others)
In the following sentences, do we use be going to or will? Why? Look at the dog walking in the street! He __________ get hit by a car. be going to/ will
What is be going to- prediction based on information you can see. Look at the dog walking in the street! He is going to get hit by a car.
List at least 5 modal verbs and I verb that is modal like (is like a modal but is a little bit different)
What is can/ could/ may/ might/ should/ ought to/ had better/ must modal like- have to -She HAS to go to the store.
Explain when you would use a comma in sentences with when, while, as soon as.
What is after the dependent clause if the sentence starts with one of those words.
Explain the difference between a direct and indirect object.
What is direct takes no preposition before (who, what) and an indirect object does (to whom, to what).
Complete the sentence: I went to Mexicali last night and I regret _____ tacos from a taco stand. eat
What is I went to Mexicali last night and I regret eating tacos from a taco stand.
What difference do be going to and will express when we want to talk about our plans for the future?
What is certainty- 100% be going to (plans) - Will (immediate decision to do something (not planned) or a promise or reassurance about plans.
Describe the difference between have to and must.
What is have to is more personal necessity and obligation and must is more legal and formal.
Explain the difference between a dependent and independent clause when using when, while, as soon as.
What is the sentence that includes the time expression is the dependent clause.
When you refer to yourself and another person, who comes first, I or the other person? Example- I and Juan talk and the phone OR Juan and I talk on the phone.
What is the other person. Juan and I talk on the phone.
Complete the sentence: When I finish the ESL program, I expect __________ a good job. find
What is When I finish the ESL program, I expect to find a good job.
Describe when we use the simple present or present progressive to talk about the future.
What is when we have a specific time (The bus leaves at 10 pm tonight) with a future time marker using the verbs go and other verbs of transportation- We are going to the beach next weekend.
Explain the difference between should and had better.
What is they are both for advice- had better implies a negative consequence.