What questions
At, In, On

What ____they do in the evening?

They ___________TV.


What do they do in the evening?

They watch TV.


Complete the sentences with at, in, on

I have English class______Monday and Wednesday.

My sister usually has class_____Saturday.

I have English class on Monday and Wednesday.

My sister usually has class on Saturday.


Read and match.

1. a receptionist              a. sells clothes

2. a salesperson             b. cleans buildings

3. a cashier                   c. answers phones

4. a server                    d. fixes cars

5. a custodian                e. serves food

6. A mechanic                f. counts money

1. a receptionist          c. answers phones

2. a salesperson          a. sells clothes

3. a cashier                f. counts money

4. a server                  e. serves food

5. a custodian              b. cleans buildings

6. A mechanic              d. fixes cars


 Tell me only the count nouns

1. carrot   2. water     3. bread    4. potato

5. milk     6. orange    7. egg       8. meat

9. coffee  10.  apple     11. sugar   12. pie

1. carrot    4. potato

 6. orange    7. egg      

 10. apple      12. pie


Write the comparative

The blue sofa is big, but the brown sofa is ________.

The blue sofa is big, but the brown sofa is bigger.


What ______he do in the afternoon?

He __________.


What does he do in the afternoon?

He studies.


Complete the sentences with at, in, on

I do homework ____night.

My father goes to work ____the morning.

I do homework at night.

My father goes to work in the morning.


Complete the words.

 1. salesp_ _ son

2. sells _ _ othes

3. me _ _ anic

4. fix_ _  cars

5. an_ _ ers the phone

6. c_ _ nts money

1. salesperson

2. sells clothes

3. mechanic

4. fixes  cars

5. answers the phone

6. counts money


Complete the sentences using the words below

a lot   does   many   much   need   needs

1. How ____milk does he need?

2. We _____a lot of meat.

3. He doesn't need________bananas.

4. She____________five eggs.

5. I need ___________of apples.

6. How many peaches ________she need?

1. How much milk does he need?

2. We need a lot of meat.

3. He doesn't need many bananas.

4. She needs five eggs.

5. I need a lot of apples.

6. How many peaches does she need?


Complete the conversation. Use comparatives.

A. Which chair is _________(comfortable), the blue chair or the red chair?

B. I don't know, but the blue chair is ______(pretty). I like the pattern and the color.

A. I do too. Is it _______(expensive)?

B. Don't worry about the price. This is a thrift store! Everything is ________(cheap) than in a department store.

A. Which chair is more comfortable, the blue chair or the red chair?

B. I don't know, but the blue chair is prettier. I like the pattern and the color.

A. I do too. Is it more expensive?

B. Don't worry about the price. This is a thrift store! Everything is cheaper than in a department store.


What ________she do in the morning?

She ___________.


What does she do in the morning?

She exercises.


Complete the sentences with at, in, on

He always catches the bus____8:45.

My mom goes to PTA meetings ____the evening.

He always catches the bus at 8:45.

My mom goes to PTA meetings in the evening.


Where do these people work?

busperson  cashier  doctor  nurse  receptionist  server

hospital                              restaurant

1                                        4

2                                        5

3                                       6

hospital                              restaurant

1    doctor                           4 busperson

2    nurse                            5 cashier

3    receptionist                     6 server


Unscramble the letters and say the food containers.

1. two _____of rice


2. a ________of orange juice


3. six _______of soda


4. a _______of tea


1. bags of rice

2. bottle of orange juice

3. cans of soda

4. box of tea


What is this?

1.   2.  

3.   4.

1. penny   2. dime     3. quarter     4. nickel


What _____they do on Sunday?

They _____to the park.


What do they do on Sunday?

They go to the park.


Complete the sentences with at, in, on

She usually exercises _____the morning.

I go to work _______4:00.

She usually exercises  in the morning.

I go to work at 4:00.


Complete the sentences.

1. A painter can__________.

2. A salesperson can_______________.

3. A carpenter can  _______________.

4. A gardener can_________________.

5. A child-care worker can___________.

6. An auto mechanic can____________.

1. A painter can paint.

2. A salesperson can sell things.

3. A carpenter can build things.

4. A gardener can take care of plants.

5. A child-care worker can take care of children.

6. An auto mechanic can fix cars.


Use There is or There are

1. ____________three boxes of tea.

2. ____________ a carton of milk.

3. ____________a bottle of water

4. ____________six bottles of juice.

5. ____________two packages of meat.

6. ____________twelve cans of soda.

1. There are three boxes of tea.

2. There is a carton of milk.

3.There is a bottle of water

4. There are six bottles of juice.

5. There are two packages of meat.

6. There are twelve cans of soda.


Tell me a sentence. Use before.                      Janet’s evening schedule

5:30    get home

6:00     eat dinner

7:00    walk the dog

8:00    watch TV

9:00    read a book

9:30     go to bed

1. get home / eat dinner

2. eat dinner / walk the dog

3. walk the dog / watch TV

4. watch TV / read a book


1. Janet gets home before she eats dinner.

2. Janet eats dinner before she walks the dog.

3. Janet walks the dog before she watches TV.

4. Janet watches TV before she reads a book.



What ______she do every evening?

She ________.


What does she do every evening?

She reads.


Complete the sentences with at, in, on

Jane usually goes on vacation____July.

They visit friends _______Saturday.

Jane usually goes on vacation in July.

They visit friends on Saturday.


Unscramble the letters.

1. rensubspo                 5. verres

2. koco                         6. torcod

3. cletirenaci                 7. sngiunr natsissta

4. senur                       8. shcaier

1. busperson                   5. server

2. cook                           6. doctor

3. electrician                   7. nursing assistant

4. nurse                         8. cashier


Complete the sentences with many or much

1. How _____eggs do we need?

2.  How _____juice do we need?

3.  How _____milk do we need?

4.  How _____pies do we need?

5.  How _____bread do we need?

1. How many eggs do we need?

2.  How much juice do we need?

3.  How much milk do we need?

4.  How many pies do we need?

5.  How much bread do we need?


Write adjective, noun, or verb


2. dog:______

3. think:_______

4. mother:_________

5. walk:________

6. sing:_______


1. pretty: adjective

2. dog: noun

3. think: verb

4. mother: noun

5. walk: verb

6. sing: verb

7.blue: adjective