Dublin is the capital city of this country where English is an official language.
What is: Ireland?
Americans say _______ instead of flat.
What is: apartment?
I will meet you ____ the cinema at 7pm.
What is: at/in?
Name the sport from the vocabulary: hoop, time-out, slam dunk.
What is: basketball?
Fast, healthy, Italian
What is: food?
Canberra is the capital city of this country where English is an official language.
What is: Australia?
Americans say _______ instead of lift.
What is: elevator?
Last weekend I went ______ a party.
What is: to?
Name the sport from the vocabulary: goalkeeper, striker, referee.
What is: soccer/football?
Guest, class, hotel
What is: room?
Ottawa is the capital city of this country where English is an official language.
What is: Canada?
Americans say _____ instead of football.
What is: soccer?
It's unlucky to walk _______ a ladder.
What is: under?
Name the sport from the vocabulary: stick, puck, ice rink.
What is: ice hockey?
Ball, board, computer
What is: game?
New Delhi is the capital city of this country where English is an official language.
What is: India?
Americans say _____ instead of biscuit.
What is: cookie?
I crashed _____ a tree.
What is: into?
Name the sport from the vocabulary: gloves, ring, towel.
What is: boxing?
Town, terrace, country
What is: house?
Islamabad is the capital city of this country where English is an official language.
What is: Pakistan?
Americans say ______ instead of ground/zero floor.
What is: first floor?
Go ____ the hallway and up the stairs.
What is: along/down?
Name the sport from the vocabulary: wicket, bowler, batsman.
What is: cricket?
Day, business, round
What is: trip?