Determine the word meaning: Unlike his quiet and low key family, Brad is GARRULOUS.
talkative, chatty
If the Toronto Star publishes a news article about Canadian maple syrup production in your home country, what level of news would this be?
What 6 pieces of information should you include in a summary (of a story, news article...etc).
What is figurative language?
Non-literal language (eg. metaphors, similes)
Rewrite the following using a semicolon and a connecting word: I want to go skating. It's too cold.
I want to go skating; however, it's too cold. I want to go skating; but, it's too cold. I want to go skating; unfortunately, it's too cold.
Determine the word meaning: SEDENTARY individuals, people who are not very active, often have diminished health.
People who are not very active
What is a byline?
A byline gives the name, and often the position, of the writer of the article.
In one or two sentences, summarize the main idea of the news article about the boy in the school's 'padded cell'.
A child was put into an empty, isolated room at school to 'calm down', without parental permission.
Provide an example of a metaphor and explain it.
He's a God. (he's amazing, he's really attractive)
Write an instructional sentence (imperative sentence) giving advice to someone who just arrived in Toronto.
Make sure you have a social support network. Go to CALC to increase your employability.
Determine the meaning: Lourdes is always sucking up to the boss, even in front of others. That SYCOPHANT just doesn't care what others think of her behavior.
Someone who likes to flatter people, or suck up to others.
Write an example of how a placeline appears in a news article. Include the character(s) directly after the placeline.
TORONTO-Students at CALC fight to win a piece of chocolate in a game of Jeopardy...
In one or two sentences, summarize the main idea of the news article about the barber shop and Faith McGregor
A Toronto barber shop refuses to provide services to a woman for religious reasons, creating a competing human rights issue.
Express a simile in 2 different ways (there are 2 ways to write the same simile).
She's as frigid as February. She's frigid like February.
Fix the following sentence: one of big issues is missing articles in students writing. I hope they find all of mistakes in this passage.
One of the biggest issues is missing articles in students' writing. I hope they find all of the mistakes in this passage.
Determine the meaning: The DROMEDARY, commonly called a camel, stores fat in its hump.
a type of camel
What is the purpose of a caption and where is it found?
Captions are used to give more details about an image, and is found below it.
In one or two sentences, summarize the main idea of the short story, "On the Sidewalk Bleeding"
A gang member struggles against stereotypes and fights to find his identity.
Identify one metaphor from the poem "Mother to Son".
crystal staircase = the life she didn't have broken staircase boards = obstacles in her life staircase landings = small successes
Fix the errors in this sentence: yay it is friday and cant wait go out and relax little bit weekend.
Yay! It is Friday and I can't wait to go out and relax a little bit this weekend.
Determine the meaning: It is refreshing to see students so excited, so ZEALOUS in doing their homework.
excited, enthusiastic
Rewrite this headline: Rescue flight for Canadians in Antarctica turned back as weather remains impassable
No rescue flight to Antarctica, Canadians Stranded
In one or two sentences, summarize the main idea of the short story, "The Iguana"
The natural world needs to be left alone in order to preserve and appreciate its beauty/glory.
Identify 2 metaphors in the story "The Iguana"
iguana = nature, natural world, environment... narrator = foreigners, greed, selfishness, disregard for nature faded iguana skin = destruction of nature, impact of humans on nature, loss of meaning of life/glory brown/tanned skin+colourful bracelet = untouched nature, preserved beauty
Write ONE contrast sentence about yourself and someone else using a comparison signal/transition word.
He's always apprehensive, whereas I'm very confident. (while, on the other hand...)