Preach My Gospel
White Handbook & MTC Rules
What is your purpose?
Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.
Give an example of a sentence written in simple present.
Check for simple present. Ex. Missionaries teach the gospel.
What do we learn in Moroni 10:4-5
Anyone who has faith to read the Book of Mormon with a "sincere heart and real desire" will know that it is true by the power of the Holy Ghost.
What time do missionaries wake up and go to bed in the MTC?
Wake up at 6:30 AM and be in bed by 10:30 PM
List the 8 Fundamentals of Preach My Gospel.
The Doctrine of Christ - The Missionary Purpose... The Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion... Revelation through Prayer... Revelation through the Book of Mormon... Revelation through Church Attendance... Teach People, Not Lessons... We Invite, They Commit, We Follow Up... How to Begin Teaching
What did Elder Holland say about missionaries learning a language? (PMG 128)
"We would...hope that every missionary learning a new proselyting language would MASTER IT in every way possible....And as you do so, your proselyting and testifying skills will improve....Stretch yourself in the language, and you will gain greater access to the hearts of the people."
Correct this sentence: Steven goes to the store yesterday, and he buys five candy bars.
Steven WENT to the store yesterday, and he BOUGHT five candy bars. This is an example of the simple past tense.
"The Book of Mormon, combined with _________, is your most powerful resource ____________."
the conversion. (PMG pg. 104).
True or False. Writing in other missionaries journals (including missionaries of the opposite gender) is ok if you do it in the residence?
False. Only writing in the journals of missionaries of the same gender is appropriate, and it must take place in the residence. (White handbook pg. 33)
Telling a new investigator, "As you accept our message, you will learn how to make covenants, or promises, with God. You will learn how to make changes that bring your lives in closer harmony with His Teachings. You will want to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and be baptized by proper authority," is an example of which fundamental(s).
How to Begin Teaching... Partial Points for "The Doctrine of Christ."
According to Pres. Ezra Taft Benson in Chapter 5, what are the three ways that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion?
It is a witness of Christ It contains the Fulness of the Doctrine It is the foundation of testimony
"Joseph Smith had been reading the Bible before he prayed" is an example of what tense?
Past Perfect Progressive - Explain that this means someone does something in the past BEFORE doing another event that also occurs in the past.
Which chapter in the Book of Mormon relates specifically to the Doctrine of Christ?
2 Nephi 31
When can missionaries use the computer in the classroom?
Only when a teacher is in the classroom and has asked them to use it.
List 3 sections of Preach My Gospel Chapter 10 that relate to "Teach People, Not Lessons."
Adjust Teaching To Meet Needs... Ask Questions... Teach for Understanding... Listen... Help People Resolve Their Concerns... Partial Points for "Use the Scriptures" depending on how the missionaries justify their choice.
"Rarely, if ever, should you talk to people or teach them without _____________."
extending an invitaiton to do something that will strengthen their faith in Christ.
Correct the sentence and question: "I is going to my mission tomorrow. I is be meet my mission president and his wife?
I am going to my mission tomorrow. Will I meet my mission president and his wife?
Share 1 scripture that you can use to teach Lesson 1, another scripture for Lesson 2, and another scripture for Lesson 3.
Check that each scripture is relevant.
Find a scripture or a quote in Preach My Gospel that teaches about the blessings of obedience. What are some of the blessings that you have seen by being obedient?
Check that the scripture or quote is relevant... Have the team share blessings that they have seen for full points, then allow other missionaries to share their own experiences with obedience... Some promised blessings may include: The Spirit... Health... Knowledge... Faith... The Gift of Tongues/Gifts of the Spirit.. Etc.
Explain the importance of 2 Fundamentals of your teacher's choice, as well as how both are important for yoru investigators. (Choose based on the needs of each class of missionaries).
Check for understanding of each fundamental and how those relate to helping investigators.
What is the last thing on the "REMEMBER THIS" page? Share two additional points that stand out to your team from this page.
Love the Lord and serve Him the very best you can.
As a team, correctly make sentences using 5 principles for the green MTC English Language Guide.
For each correct sentence they receive 100 points. For each missed sentence, other teams may attempt sentences of the same principle for half points.
Find 1 scripture for each principle in lesson 1.
Check that each scripture is relevant for each principle.
What does "staying together" mean in relation to your companion?
"Staying together means staying within sight and hearing of each other." (White Handbook pg. 30-31). Read this section together.
The first team of missionaries to have everyone complete 2 sections of the "Check Your Progress" portion of the MTC Experience book will receive 500 points.
See that each missionary/team understands the questions that they are answering. Additionally explain how "Check Your Progress" is a way to evaluate the missionaries understanding and application of the Fundamentals of Preach My Gospel. Promise blessings and bear testimony relating to application of the Fundamentals.